The PP blames the PSOE for the “spectacle” in which Le Senne expelled two deputies who were carrying images of Franco’s victims

The Balearic Government of the PP has accused this Friday the PSIB-PSOE of being “very interested in generating confrontation and spectacle” in the Parliament, in reference to the events that occurred last Tuesday in the Chamber, when its president, Gabriel Le Senne (Vox ), expelled the two socialist representatives de la Mesa for refusing to take off the t-shirts they were wearing with images of three victims of Franco’s regime. The Executive, in addition, has avoided condemning the events by warning that it will not participate in the “spectacles” that it considers to have taken place in the plenary sessions in which the repeal of the Balearic law of historical memorywhose suppression has been promoted by Vox with the support of conservatives.

It is worth remembering that, last September, the PP already saved Le Sennewhose dismissal had been urged for months by the opposition groups (PSIB-PSOE, Més per Mallorca, Més per Menorca and Podemos) after the ultra parliamentarian, on June 18, break the portrait of the republican Aurora Picornell and those known as ‘Molinar reds‘, shot by the Francoists on Twelfth Night in 1937. The events caused a wave of indignation inside and outside the Balearic Islands.

At a press conference after the Government Council, the Executive spokesperson, Antoni Costa, criticized the PSIB’s intention for the Government and the PP to “participate” in the events, insisting that citizens “do not understand these regrettable spectacles.” which, in his opinion, are not good for politics.

When asked about the opinion expressed by the lawyers of the Parliamentwho have criticized Le Senne’s attitude given that there is no specific article in the regulations that establishes that the members of the Board should not wear clothing with images like those worn by the expelled deputies Mercedes Garrido and Pilar Costa, the Government spokesperson He has admitted that, indeed, there is no precept that prohibits it, although he has asserted that “the custom of maintaining decorum has always been respected” and “it would be advisable” to continue doing so.

Precisely, this Thursday, the socialists registered a document in Parliament in which they demand that the constitutional rights of Garrido and Costa be declared violated after their expulsion had been agreed “without regulatory or legal protection”: “The president’s decision violates and harms rights constitutional and fundamental rights of the deputies such as the right to freedom of expression and political participation,” they consider. When asked about this, the Government spokesperson limited himself to pointing out that “it is not that the PP has to express itself on the matter”: “The complaint is evaluated, not voted on,” he concluded.

The episode occurred when, in the plenary session last Tuesday, the amendment to all left-wing groups to the repeal of the Democratic Memory Law was going to begin to be debated and four months after Le Senne break the same portrait one of the best known as ‘rojas del Molinar’, whose photograph Garrido displayed on the cover of his computer. The highest representative of the Chamber urged the two socialists to replace their clothing in order to safeguard the neutrality of the Board or to take their seats in the chamber if they preferred to continue wearing them.

However, given the persistence of both of them to continue wearing the shirt, in the midst of a climate of maximum tension and after three regulatory calls to order, the president finally ordered their expulsion.

It should be remembered that it was the PP itself that, on June 20, 2023, He promoted Le Senne to the presidency of the Parliament. In exchange for this and numerous other concessions, the popular people were guaranteed to be able to form a government alone, subordinated to the external support of Vox to be able to carry out their initiatives. This happened, for example, with the approval of this year’s regional budgets: the conservatives did not hesitate to give in to the demands of the extreme right. Not in vain, the Vox deputy Idoia Ribas even stated at that time that her party “he only kneels before God”making it clear that the votes of the parliamentarians of this formation are essential to promote the investiture agreements reached with the PP.

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