Parliament | Halla-aho did not answer the question whether the parliament as a working community participates in the anti-racism campaign

When asked about racism, the Speaker of the Parliament replied that the Parliament promotes freedom of speech and opinion above all.

Parliamentary speaker Jussi Halla-aho (ps) did not directly answer the question about whether the parliament as a working community participates in the government’s anti-racism campaign.

The campaign is related to last summer’s racism crisis, which was to topple the government. Kohu was born from the old messages of basic Finns.

Prime minister Petteri Orpon opened by (cook). We speak with actions -campaign attracted attention two weeks ago, because Perusfinomalies as the governing party does not participate in it.

According to Orpo, the goal is to get as many communities and actors as possible into the campaign.

“The campaign launched by the Government focuses on dismantling structural racism. The campaign challenges companies, communities and other actors to practical actions in their own organizations”, the Government outlines.

“The government campaigns are government campaigns”, Halla-aho answered twice when asked about the same issue.

He pointed out that the parliament strives to defend “the most important fundamental right of Western countries, i.e. freedom of speech and expression of opinion” and to promote discussion on even difficult topics.

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