Human Papillomavirus Infection (HPV) is, among those sexually transmitted, the most widespread in both sexes and is the cause of various forms of cancer affecting the genitals, anus, rectum, mouth and throat. All HPV-related cancers that would be highly preventable – up to 90% of cases – through anti-HPV vaccination. Yet, even though vaccines against this virus have been available since 2006 and have been progressively introduced into national immunization plans, both introduction and coverage have not yet reached optimal levels, in Italy as in the rest of the world. This is what the Istituto Superiore di Sanita (ISS) reminds us, which coordinates the European Joint Action PERCH (Partnership to Contrast HPV). And precisely within this initiative, the ISS is making available from today on the platform a distance learning course for professionals on the prevention of infection.
The Fad course, organized together with the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, with the support of many other Italian centers, is aimed at training healthcare professionals involved in the prevention and reduction of cervical cancer and other tumors caused by HPV. At the end, participants will be able to identify the best strategies and most effective approaches for the prevention of infection and for effective communication with patients and caregivers. The time to complete the course and related activities is 16 hours and it will be possible to access the platform according to the personal and professional needs of the participants at any time during the 24 hours in the period of availability (July 31, 2024 – December 16, 2024). The course, aimed at over 10 thousand participants, is intended for all healthcare professionals and accredited ECM for all healthcare professionals. At the end, an ECM questionnaire is provided to evaluate the perceived quality, whose compilation, together with passing the final evaluation test, will allow you to obtain 17.5 credits.
On 1 November 2022, a Joint Action (JA) was launched in Europe, coordinated by the ISS, called PERCH (Partnership to Contrast Hpv), involving 18 European countries and 34 organizations with the aim of contributing to the implementation of the European Plan to Fight Cancer (Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan). Specifically, PERCH will contribute to achieving the first objective of the World Health Organization’s ’90-70-90′ strategy, i.e. achieving at least 90% HPV vaccination coverage among girls, and if possible also among boys, by the age of 15, through the following 4 objectives: improving the capacity of States to plan and implement anti-HPV vaccination campaigns, through the sharing of experiences and knowledge; improving knowledge and awareness of HPV-related diseases and prevention in specific groups (adolescent girls and boys); improving the knowledge and skills of health workers in communicating about HPV vaccination; improve data collection and monitoring systems on HPV vaccination and screening.
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