Girl Hides Two Fetuses in Closet: Did She Act Alone or Did Someone Help Her?
Two fetuses were found inside a closet in a house in Reggio Calabria. They were wrapped in a sheet. Apparently, the whole thing was the work of a 24-year-old girl, the first to be investigated for infanticide.
In the last few hours, the young woman’s boyfriend has also been questioned.
Reggio Calabria: Two fetuses found in a closet
A shocking event took place within the walls of an apartment in Reggio Calabria. Two fetuses were found wrapped in a sheet inside a closet. The manager, a lass 24 years old, was charged with infanticide although investigators suspect that the woman could not have acted alone.

The I’m leaving However, it is a delicate procedure and involves phases such as the expulsion and the cutting the umbilical cord which, obviously, cannot be carried out completely autonomously. Precisely for this reason the police have supposed the complicity of other individuals who may have helped her in this absurd operation.
Obviously many answers will be given later of the autopsy of the two twins. The aim is to understand if the two were born alive and above all in what gestational age have been given birth. However, there is no evidence regarding the placentawhich was never found again.
The girl didn’t act alone: her boyfriend under pressure
According to the Police and the Carabinieri, the 24-year-old girl accused of infanticide she may not have acted alone, as friends or family members may have helped her in such a difficult undertaking. For this reason, several acquaintances of the girl were questioned, including the fiancé same. At the moment, however, we do not have the right information to boast the presence of accusations or exonerations.

From what we know, however, the young girl lived with her parents in what can be defined as a common family. We also know that she had been admitted to the Gynecology and Obstetrics department of the hospital in Reggio Calabria following severe pain and blood loss.
However, no one was aware of the birth that had taken place shortly thereafter, as the girl did not want to undergo a gynaecological examination, declaring that she was still virginThe discovery of the two fetuses was made by the mother, who immediately alerted the police in the face of this macabre discovery.
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