A fundamental part for a government to be successful are the people with whom the mayors surround themselves, that is, those who occupy spaces in the offices of the mayors. City halland although it is known that many occupy seats due to campaign commitments, once there the expected result must be demanded of them, because those who look bad are the municipal leaders.
César Mascareño, mayor of Angostura, precisely realized this and will analyze the work to make changes, perhaps too late, because it is unknown to anyone that many officials are only going to turn around when there is a lot to do, because it is not about to be in the offices and excuse themselves that there is no money in the Municipal Government, but to see what programs can be downloaded from the Federal and State Government, and to document well so that the people of Angostura are the beneficiaries and their government looks good with society.
The manager of the Municipal Board of Drinking Water and Sewerage of Salvador AlvaradoAarón Valenzuela Ortega, when announcing that during this month water tests will not be applied in the colonies of Guamuchil, despite the fact that the Eustaquio Buelna dam is at 7.7 percent of its storage capacity and its levels are decreasing every day, which generates alarm among the population. However, Valenzuela Ortega commented that the reservoir is still being supplied with water seepage from the groundwater in the high areas, in addition to waiting for the rains to arrive, which will allow the non-tanking measure to be extended until early July.
Hopefully their projections are accurate and they do not have to test the water from one day to the next due to overconfidence, since citizens remain secure in the supply of their vital liquid service. We will see.
The electoral ban it has closed. The time has come for the municipalities in the Évora region to wake up and start generating tourism, because summer is the least favorable season for merchants, and without a doubt some event that moves masses would not be bad for them at all.
Although the task is not easy for any municipality in the region, because MocoritoAlthough the tourism products it produces tend to be successful, they are temporary and the municipality needs to innovate and exploit itself even more. Meanwhile in Salvador Alvarado, Even if it is due to momentary events, they should start, because this year it has been totally off compared to the rest of the years that the administration has included, in this sense Angostura has also been absent in tourist events, although a little more active than Salvador Alvarado. This is where the question arises, what about Guillermo Galindo, director of tourism for the north central area? It has been almost a year since he received this appointment with the vision of making the region rebound and the truth is that due to his absence it has been conspicuous.
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#Urgent #Angostura