In the framework of the Day of Devs, the developers of DigixArt, authors of the appreciated Road 96, presented Tides of Tomorrowanarrative adventure with a sort of asynchronous multiplayer where players influence each other’s adventures based on the decisions they make.
In the game we will explore Eldynd, a world on the brink of ruin and trying to survive a calamity called the Great Flood, a flood that submerges the land, and a deadly disease that decimates the survivors. Our goal is to visit the floating platforms that host various communities and find a cure. In the meantime we will get to know a large cast of characters, each with different goals and perspectives. Based on our choices we will be able to create alliances or make enemies, shaping history.
As mentioned at the beginning, our actions will influence other players’ games and vice versa theirs will have an impact on our history. Put like this, it all seems confusing, but the announcement trailer, which you find below, offers us a practical example.
In the video our character is captured as identical to a thief who had the ardor to steal from Obin, a disreputable guy. We will discover that in reality the villain is another player from another game, who at least had the good heart to leave us a dagger with which to defend ourselves. So the decision is up to us, kill Obin or run away? And how could our decision affect the course of events in another player’s game?
The basic idea certainly seems very intriguing, but for more details on Tides of Tomorrow we will have to wait for news from DigixArt in the coming months. The game at the moment is in development for PCbut it doesn’t yet have a release window, not even an indicative one.
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