Four cars involved in a collision this morning 28 April: 13 injured and a girl with a red code transported to the Niguarda in Milan
The early hours of the morning saw a huge pile-up along the western ring road of Milan. There were four cars involved and the total number of injured was 13.
At 6.58 in the morning four cars collided between exit 2 of the state road ss11r Novara Gallaratese and theA4 motorway, but the dynamics of the accident are still to be ascertained. Six ambulances and two medical vehicles sent by Areu, the Regional Emergency Emergency Agency of Lombardy, attended the scene. The people involved were treated on site and then transported to various hospitals with yellow and green codes. A girl in code red was rushed to the Niguarda hospital in Milan. Her prognosis remains guarded.
The others were distributed between the Policlinico, San Carlo and Humanitas in Rozzano. The thirteen injured people are of different ages: 22, 23, 27, 28, 36, 38 and 62 years old. Investigators are carrying out the necessary investigations to reconstruct the dynamics of the huge collision. The rescue operations and police investigations created delays and inconveniences for other drivers.
The police recommend maximum caution until normal traffic is restored and suggest traveling along the affected stretch of road only in case of real necessity.
These episodes highlight the critical situation of road conditions and the need to respect the rules of correct driving behavior. Although the number of accidents has been decreasing in Italy in the last year, the level of danger remains high. The issue is on all the tables of the competent bodies regarding the safety of motorists. The rules of the road code are always evolving to allow greater awareness and maturity among those who travel our roads every day. Such events can and must be avoided! In addition to the supervision of the police, it is necessary to respect the current regulations and avoid incorrect behavior such as using mobile phones, not respecting the safety distance or high speed.
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