Save Mexico, to the Mexico that we know, the Mexico that struggles to improve, the Mexico that undoubtedly has many deficiencies, but they can be overcome, it is definitely everyone's task, the task of citizens forced to leave their apathy and indifference to act, supervising the work of rulers and forcing to the popular representatives who truly represent the townto whom they gave the position that we are the voters.
Saving Mexico is defending the autonomy of organizations that guarantee our democracy As the INEhe INAI and others.
Saving Mexico, when we are in front of the polls, means thinking about the importance of power counterweights and preventing a president from having absolute power by controlling Congress.
Save Mexicois to fulfill our citizen responsibility to defend the autonomy of the nation's supreme court of justice
Saving Mexico means putting aside our citizen apathy once and for all and realizing that we are more responsible than we think for all national events.
Saving Mexico is saving the future of our descendants, it is avoiding any temptation on the part of the rulers to convert our perfectible democracy into a simulated autocracy like the one we experienced decades ago or the one that other nations currently experience.
Saving Mexico means thinking first about our homeland, our loved ones, and then about any other interest or ideological or partisan inclination.
Saving Mexico is doing our bit every day to build the nation that we want and that our children and grandchildren deserve.
For a dignified and united Mexico, let's make a pact to save our homeland.
Thank you so much.
Los Mochis, Sin. as of April 25, 2024.
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