During the live broadcast dedicated to 45 years of Mobile Suit Gundam aired yesterday afternoon, it was announced that this year will celebrate the thirtieth anniversary of the debut of Mobile Fighter G Gundamthe first “alternative” series to Universal Century released in 1994. Unlike the other series of Gundam releases up to that moment (but also with respect to subsequent ones), in G Gundam the war is fought through a martial arts tournament on board MobileFighter which involves the colonies-nations of the entire terrestrial sphere.
The only information available to us is that it is in the works.”a new project”, presumably animated, which will celebrate thirty years of the series. We are shown the commemorative logo and a sketch of a new character not present in the original series.
Mobile Fighter G Gundam it closed with a screen promising to return in a new tournament: “See you again. Gundam Fight 14”. That the time has finally come to review Domon Kasshu and his companions in action? We will have to wait some time to find out.
You can see Mobile Fighter G Gundam on Crunchyroll with original audio and English subtitles.
Source: Gundam.info
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