Carlo Calenda and Matteo Renzi
Forza Italia clearly ahead of the League. Pd just above 20%
Matteo Renzi doubles Carlo Calenda. The EMG survey by Fabrizio Masia – which publishes a preview – reveals a sensational and unexpected twist that upsets the balance in the now former Terzo Polo. United States of Europe, the list formed and desired by Italia Viva of former Prime Minister Renzi, + Europa, Volt, PSI and Libdem, stands at 6.2%. A percentage clearly above the 4% threshold foreseen for the European elections and which guarantees Renzi and his allies the safe election of MEPs on 8-9 June. In reverse, Calenda shares stop at 3.2% clearly below 4% and therefore outside the EuroChamber.
Among others parties, worth mentioning are Fratelli d'Italia just above 27% and Forza Italia clearly ahead of the League. Pd just above 20% and Alleanza Verdi Sinistra below the 4% barrier. M5S toned at 16.7%.
EMG survey
EMG survey
#Poll #Renzi #double #Calenda #Earthquake #Terzo #Polo #data