Agriculture, AEPI: “Understandable protests, the EU and the Government are missing. There is no vision for the future”
“European agriculture, including Italy, is experiencing a problematic situation to say the least and which deserves answers. At the origin a series of contributing causes including the unfair competition of foreign products – with standards lower than ours in terms of quality and sustainability – and the excessive power of large-scale distribution. Support measures from governments and the Union are needed. Intervening on the income of those who produce food also means responding to the inflation that hits consumers, but unfortunately from the Budget Law to the Milleproroghe Decree, we have not seen a vision of the future of the sector and of the protagonists of the supply chain”.
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As Mauro Ottaviano, responsible for the Agri-food sector of AEPI, the European association of professionals and businesses. “The most important organizations representing farmers have not been able to interpret and represent the widespread discomfort – he added Mino Dinoipresident of AEPI – signifying how the need for a strong regeneration of social representation organizations is increasingly becoming increasingly necessary, whose task cannot be limited to supporting the political power of the moment”, adds the president.
“AEPI – conclude Ottaviano and Dinoi – is committed in institutional settings and in the country to urge the Italian government to take concrete and rapid measures that favor the fair development of the agri-food sector, a fundamental link in the economy of our country, strengthening the role of the many small and medium-sized companies in the sector which are the foundation of our made in Italy”.
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