Consulta, Barbera attacks Meloni on the premiership and the role of judges
The new president of ConsultAugustus Barberadoes not mince words to make the prime minister understand Melons and to his government the crucial role of the magistrates of the Constitutional Court: “The Consultation has never belonged to one partyMelons can't do the spoils system. It must be defended – says Barbera to Repubblica – the pluralism of the Court. Constitutional judges are placed on a very delicate ridge, forced to review legislative acts implemented by parliaments that express popular sovereignty. Not by chance among the most against in the Constituent Assembly There were Vittorio Emanuele Orlando it's the same Palmiro Togliatti, an old liberal and a communist. Keeping your balance on this ridge is not always easy. Think about the increasingly necessary use of interpretation criteria such as reasonableness and proportionality, in which legitimacy and merit can sometimes intertwine”.
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Barbera also intervenes on premiered. “I cannot express myself – continues the head of the Consulta to Repubblica – on a reform that he sees the political forces are bitterly engaged on opposing fronts. I can only hope that in the debate what was decided with sentence number 1 of 2014 will be taken into account: majority bonuses are constitutionally legitimate, I'm not a “scam”. But, I quote a passage from the decision, “while pursuing an objective of constitutional importance, which it is that of government stability of the country and the efficiency of decision-making processes in the parliamentary sphere”, cannot be fixed “in measure disproportionate with respect to the objective pursued” and without having “predetermined a minimum base of votes for the list or lists that would benefit from the prize“.
#Consult #Barbera #Meloni #create #spoils #system #Pluralism #needed