Naughty Dog has announced that i Trophies unlocked by playing The Last of Us Part 2 on PS4 will not be lost by purchasing the upgrade to The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered For PS5. All will be transferred, including the platinum.
At the same time, new Trophies linked to the No Return roguelike mode have been added, which must be unlocked by playing. It should be underlined that the new Trophies are not mandatory for unlocking Platinum in the new edition of the game.
Defense of progress
In short, Naughty Dog wanted to let us know that the efforts made with the PS4 version will not be wasted by the PS5 version, which is good news for those who intend to play it again or, more simply, for those who want to face the new mode.
Let's review the new Trophies:
- Mixed Bag: Get kills with 5 different weapons in an Assault match
Become the Hunter: Kill 12 enemies in a Hunted encounter
Got Your Back: Win a Holdout round without your ally's health dropping below 70%.
Thief: Open the safe in Capture without killing any enemies
Roll Call: Win a match with each character
MOdded: Complete an encounter with each Mod
Risk Taker: Complete 5 Gambits in a match
Good Riddance: Defeat all bosses
Team Ellie: Complete all Ellie faction challenge courses
Team Abby: Complete all Abby faction challenges
True Strength: Get an S rank in an encounter
May Your Survival Be Long: Win a daily game of No Return
May Your Death Be Swift: Win a daily game of No Return on Grounded difficulty
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