Free: repeal resulting from misunderstanding of guaranteeism
The Senate Justice Commission has concluded the vote on the amendments to article 1 of the Nordio bill, giving the green light to the repeal of the crime of abuse of office, a measure in favor of which the entire majority and Italia Viva expressed their opinion. The Commission will meet again tomorrow morning at 9.15 to vote on the amendments relating to Article 2 of the bill, the one relating to the transcription of wiretaps.
The Senate Justice Committee has concluded the examination of the amendments to article 1 of the Nordio bill, which provides for the abrogation of the crime of abuse of office and an intervention on the crime of influence peddling. The work will continue tomorrow morning at 9.15 with the vote on the amendments relating to article 2 of the text, which addresses the issue of the transcription of wiretaps to protect the third party unrelated to the proceedings. There are around 160 amendments in committee in total, 26 of which were declared unworkable.
Green light in the Senate Justice Committee for an agenda of the League, first signed by Erika Stefani, which “commits the government to adopt all the initiatives within its competence aimed at abolishing the institution of suspension from office following a non-definitive conviction, as well as to order a review” of the so-called Severino Law “on the subject of ineligibility and prohibition on holding elective and government positions following final convictions for non-culpable crimes”. In the agenda, which modifies a previous amendment to the art. 1 of the Nordio bill being examined for the first time at Palazzo Madama, the executive is also invited “to set up a working group for a reorganization of crimes against the public administration and an observatory aimed at carrying out monitoring that evaluates the impact on the system of same crimes as the abrogation of the crime of abuse of office”.
Abuse of office, Libera: repeal resulting from misunderstanding of guarantees – “In the name of a misunderstood guaranteeist spirit, with the vote in the Senate Justice Commission we proceed towards the abrogation of the crime of abuse of office: this makes Italy a unique case in the European panorama, which contravenes the constraints of the conventions international agreements signed and frustrates the appeals of the many magistrates on the front line who report investigations as initiated by pursuing that case are often the 'lock pick' that allows them to undermine sophisticated corruption circuits”. This is what the Libera association states in a note, commenting on the vote in the Senate Justice Commission. “The consequences of deleting the crime from the criminal code – it is underlined – are clear: a step backwards and a weakening in the battle for legality and against corruption in the name of an efficiency of public administration that only an investment in professionalism and quality will be able to guarantee “.
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