The figure overwhelms, especially if one takes into account that in 2022, in full postpandymia, the Barcelona marathon barely gathered 8,000 endeavored and endeavored. Fortunately three years later the test enjoys a magnificent health, has been very internationalized, has a significant increase in the number of women and can boast a modely fast tour. But most importantly, at the popular level, it is not whether the layout is more or less fast or if it has more or less curves, but the dream that inhabits each of the hearts of the athletes that this Sunday will get up early, have breakfast restless, they will have slept badly and tie the shoes each with their thoughts. For many, the fundamental will be to arrive and collect a deserved medal. For others, beat their brands. For most enjoy the way after a disciplined preparation. There are those that add editions and editions, years and years of touring the streets of his city. There are those that have been in the most relevant cities in the world beating in the distance of 42.1 kilometers. And there are those that are released, whether they are completely novels or athletes that have previously tried minor distances. It is the
An image of the 2024 edition
Each with their objectives, with their level and its ambitions. But deep down everything summarizes in a word: illusion.
This is the case of àngel Muñoz, a athlete of the Fondiesteam team, 57. At home they have been telling him why he did not dare with a marathon. Everyone was pushing him and he always commented that he did not see, that they were waiting for him. But now he has dared and has fulfilled the preparation of 13 weeks at the heart. He has put everything on his part and now he only needs to finish off. Next to it 27,000 souls aspire to the same, each with their objectives, with their level and with their ambitions. But deep down everything summarizes in a word: illusion. If this Sunday they are in Barcelona and can go down to the street and put on encouraged. That breath, subway to subway, on the asphalt is a rush of energy. The Arc of the triomf awaits you.
#hearts #throb #Barcelona #Juan #Bautista #Martínez