The next 2025 will consist of 12 holidaysalthough by adding two local festivities, there will be 14 for some parts of the country. In addition, there will be several longer weekends than normal for some communities, specifically, they will be four bridges throughout the year.
The holidays for all of Spain will be New Year (Wednesday, January 1), Epiphany of the Lord (Monday, January 6), Good Friday (Friday, April 18), Labor Day (Thursday, May 1), Assumption of the Virgin (Friday, August 15), All Saints (Saturday, November 1), Spanish Constitution Day (Saturday, December 6), Immaculate Conception Day (Monday, December 8) and Nativity of the Lord (Thursday, December 25).
In addition to them, there are common holidays that the autonomous communities can move to another day. For example, Thursday, April 17 –Maundy Thursday– It will not be a holiday in Catalonia and the Valencian Country and it will be in the rest of Spain. However, this will not happen on Friday, January 6 –kings day– that all communities will maintain.
On the other hand, the autonomous communities have the possibility of replacing the holiday on the Monday following a national holiday that falls on a Sunday. other festivals that are traditional to them, like the possibility of celebrating Saint Joseph (March 19) or Santiago Apostle (July 25) in its corresponding territory.
In this way, the Monday following the holiday of October 12 –October 13– will be a holiday in Andalusia, Aragon, Asturias, Castilla y León and Extremadura; he Friday, July 25 (Santiago Apóstol) will only be a holiday in Galicia, Madrid, Navarra and Euskadi, and the Wednesday March 19 (San José) will only be a holiday in Murcia and País Valencià.
Common holidays throughout the country
The common holidays in Spain in 2025 are the following: New Year, Epiphany of the Lord, Good Friday, Worker’s Day, Assumption of the Virgin, All Saints, Day of the Spanish Constitution, Day of the Immaculate Conception and Nativity of the Lord.
To the national and regional holidays we must add two local holidayswhich makes a total of 14 holidays a year.
A 2025 with several long weekends
The fact that several holidays coincide with Monday or Friday and being so close to the weekend will allow us to have several bridges throughout the year in the country. This occurs on Monday, January 6, Friday, August 15, Friday, April 18 and Monday, December 8.
Almost all communities have chosen to celebrate the Maundy Thursday (April 17), except Catalonia and the Valencian Country, so they will have a four day long weekend. In Navarra, Euskadi and La Rioja the same bridge will be five dayssince they will also have Easter Monday (April 21) as a holiday.
Also, workers who can take days off would have the possibility of extend the weekend for the celebration of Worker’s Day (Thursday, May 1) or the Nativity of the Lord (Thursday, December 25).
In the BOE, it is stated that in Catalonia and the Valencian Country a recoverable paid holidayapart from the 12 national and non-recoverable holidays. This means that if workers enjoy that extra party, They must recover the hours not worked.
In the case of the Valencian Country, the recoverable paid holiday has been set for Tuesday June 24 (San Juan), and Catalonia you will have to choose between January 6he April 21he June 24 and the December 26.
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