2024 will become the warmest on record, with a global temperature that will be on track 1.5 graus per pre-industrial levelsuperant, així, the borders are established in the Paris Accord. Així ho is going to explain the director in cap del servei per al canvi climàtic del European Copernicus programSamantha Burgess, who has urged all the actors involved to adopt measured ambitions with greater urgency “than mai.”
Burgess’s statements arrive after they are published without news on the evolution of temperatures on the planet. Specifically, the November signs have been presented, which point to a generalized escalation that seems unstoppable. According to the climatic service, this latest month has been the warmest since it is recull informació, only surpassing 2023.
Així doncs, this name the global average temperature at the Earth’s surface is going to be placed in 14.1 degrees Celsius0.73 graus per envelope of the mitjana of the period 1991-2020. These data confirm an alarming trend: temperatures have been 1.62 degrees higher than pre-industrial levels and in 16 of the 17 months they have exceeded the limit of 1.5 degrees of increase compared to the pre-industrial era.
Finally, what will happen to the accumulation of money, between November 2024 and 2024 will be 0.14 percent higher compared to the mid-2023 periodwhich had recorded the record of extreme temperatures.
#warmest #registration #exceeding #time #limits #Paris #Agreement