The 112 Emergency Telephone in Catalonia received a total of 2,372,899 calls in 2024. A figure that represents 2.3% more than the previous year. Among the reasons, notices for Security, Medical Assistance, Traffic and Civismalthough in the case of 2024, the calls for weather and accidents, specifically, 66.20% and 11.48%, respectively, also increased considerably.
The 112 director in the Autonomous Community, Irene Fornós, has detailed in a press conference this Thursday that After the Incat notices and the Dana catastrophic that devastated Valencia -and that also affected Catalan territory-there were “calls of calls, because people were very alert for what had happened.” Other days that also registered numerous notices were the end of the year night and the Sant Joan verbena, habitual and red dates on the emergency telephone calendar.
The annual balance will “be able to improve” and, “if necessary, to respond to the most agile citizenship when you use this service.” This was said by the delegate of the Government of the Generalitat in the Catalan capital, Pilar Díaz, who has also insisted that The increase in calls does not mean an increase in incidents. He also concluded the agreement reached by the Executive of Salvador Illa with the Government regarding the integration of the National Police and the Civil Guard in 112 of Catalonia, since, it will help when coordinating the answers. “Time is vital, it is important,” he added.
(There will be extension …)
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