Mystery man stabs 10-year-old boy in Spain.
An unheard of event has just occurred in Spainwhere a 10-year-old boy was killed by a mysterious killer while playing soccer. The killer, whose identity remains hidden in the shadows, allegedly hit him and then fled in a car.
There is a manhunt across the nation.
Spain: Mysterious Killer Kills 10-Year-Old Boy While Playing Soccer
Today’s story is incredible, as it serves to explain how much cruelty can exist in our world. We are in a small sports center located near a locality of Toledo in SpainA soccer match has been organized that will see children of about 10 years old compete.

All the parents are in the stands to cheer for their little ones, all except one person who has much more serious intentions. Suddenly, in fact, a mysterious man invades the sports center and decides to stab a 10-year-old player with a knife.
His face is covered by a handkerchief. After hitting the little boy under the astonished eyes of the parents and all the others present, the man fled in a car and disappeared without a trace. The rescue team intervened immediately, but unfortunately the child had a cardiac arrest and it was not possible to revive him.
Hunt for the killer: the latest updates
No one was able to stop the man who, after committing this terrible act, jumped on board a Ford Mondeo gray. Obviously the rescue and the police intervened immediately and organized some blocks in the town to try to stop this killer.

The community is in shock over what happened, as are the parents of the child who could not have even remotely foreseen such a move. They do not exclude hypothesisbut at the moment there are no known answers regarding this type of aggression completely unheard of. We sincerely hope that in the next few hours this public danger can be stopped and arrested for what he has done.
#10YearOld #Boy #Stabbed #Playing #Soccer #Hunt #Killer #Underway