0-3 has a challenge: attract families that need it most

In recent years there has been a fairly notable change with what we previously called nurseries and now they are nursery schools. Already the change of nomenclature of a track: to save to educate. Traditionally these spaces, for children from 0 to 3 years, were understood as a kind of babies parking so that their parents could work. Not anymore.

Today that conception is overcome, at least by scientific literature and professionals, because there are still politicians who continue to see it like that. But it is widely demonstrated that it is a basic period for the future development of boys and girls.

It is a stage that, as science tells us, should serve to reduce inequalities, to provide the little ones with a base that will then crystallize later. All this is demonstrated, I leave some examples: expand the years of early childhood education with the LOGSE reduced the probability of repetition of the primary course; When the academic performance of the student body is crossed with the years past in a children’s school, it is observed that between those who were one or no year there are 24.1% of low performance; In the group of the three or more years (counting the second stage) it barely exceeds 6%.

With this knowledge and the universalization of education that goes from 3 to 18 practically achieved, the administrations set a few years ago to expand schooling in 0-3. It has worked. Spain is in historical maximums, with 55% of the little ones of those ages who go to a school. But good global data hides dysfunctions.

The first cycle of children has contradictions. Despite the known evidence, the families that least need to compensate for inequalities are the ones that resort to the most playing schools (I remember that it is not a mandatory stage) while the most vulnerable is more likely to stay out. Here sociocultural issues intervene – the same ones that lead to the more your mother, the further you have arrived – but also of educational policies.

The lack of public offer is one of them, although gratuity progresses. Infant schools are expensive and not everyone can pay them. The rigidity of the centers is another: for certain families there are too many hours yes or yes and does not fit their lives at that time. In some communities, in addition, it has been awarded that the two parents were working while it was penalized that one was unemployed.

The fine analysis also indicates notable differences between autonomous communities, differences that reproduce the newly explained pattern: the richest have more nursery schools and families use them more, delving into the Matthew effect (who has the most receives).

Another melon to open here are the working conditions of the workers (more than 90% are women) and the circumstances in which they give class, with ratios quite above what Europe recommends.

In short, 0-3 progresses, but not properly. I leave here an analysis of the sector and we continue with some of the recurring themes of this newsletter, which have had new chapters.

This week we talked about …

  • Who is who in the Valencian defense at school. The referendum for the use of the language in the Valencian Community continues to place. You already know that Mazón lost (the result was a technical tie, far from the idea that the president had) and that his proposal managed to mobilize many people … against. Family associations, teaching organizations of different ideological orientation, groups of students and civic entities joined to defend the Valencian at school. Here I leave you a guide of who is who in this maramágnum of groups. And they are not few. By the way, last week the Government unmarked with a measure that he had not made public before: the families who voted can school their children in the chosen language; Those who did not do it, no. They remain to the Albur of the organizational needs of their educational center.
  • Double varapalo for the Ayuso government with the ‘FP case’. The panorama seems to twist for the Madrid Executive in the case of alleged corruption in the construction of FP centers in Madrid. On the one hand, the judge who investigates the case has not allowed the community to appear as a private accusation. On the other, the main accused of the case, a high position already ceased from the Ministry of Education, has stated that the questioned contracting system is used “always.” In this article you can expand the details.
  • Autism diagnoses shoot. They have multiplied by four in ten years. According to experts, it is due to the fact that there are now cases that previously went unnoticed. And all this has its translation to the educational system, which can hold on. Here the data, the explanations and the context.
  • The Rector of Cádiz explodes against the Minister of Universities. Villamonds is “weakening in an unprecedented way to the Andalusian public system of higher education,” he accused him in an open letter to the university community. The Andalusian campus are discouraged without sufficient financing.

To upload note

  • Trump threatens 60 universities. Withdrawing 400 million dollars in subsidies to Columbia was only the beginning. A few days ago the US president sent a letter to 60 universities, public and private, threatening them to cut federal funds if they do not take measures to protect Jewish students. They are accused of having allowed an alleged “anti -Semitic harassment and discrimination” against Jewish students. The journalist Owen Jones explains in this analysis that the objective is not to silence or moderate criticism of Israel, as Trump says. The goal is to cut the root debate.
  • By the way, that the frenzy of layoffs has also reached education in the US. The Department of Education has half of the personnel who had before Trump.
  • The left wants to harden the requirements to universities. It has been asked for the government via law not law – which is more a declaration of intentions than something else – in Congress To avoid the proliferation of private universities of doubtful quality. The government says it is in it, but the months go by and for the moment, nothing.
  • Frustration with school can be good. It is not the most important debate of those who surround school, but it is an issue that teachers and families speak: are we removing children the ability to manage frustration based on consenting to them and not let them frustrate them? This university professor believes that he is not so good idea.

#challenge #attract #families

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