The relations between the government and the companies are red, more to the limit if we put name and surnames to the Executive’s interlocutor: Yolanda Díaz. Shocks for a hard labor policy They have been capitalized, but every situation is likely to get worse … and the normative changes prepared by the Second Vice President anticipate a clash with the business world such as those lived with the increases of the minimum wage, the prevalence of the autonomous agreements on the state or the return of the control of collective layoffs to the inspection. Many of these changes have been taxesand Díaz is willing to continue along this path.
He fiasco of the reduction of the day He has not stopped the reform agenda that the adding leader has pending deploying, with dismissal as a great protagonist. They are normative changes of great political impact and also impact on the life of companies, many of them in the opposite direction of the government’s initiative, such as Extinction ‘to the letter’ or the already eternal statute of the fellow, paralyzed more than a year and a half since he was agreed with the unions for the rejection he has raised in the socialist wing. Shield the increases of the minimum wage and sit the unions in the Administration Councils are on the output grid. All are feared measures by companies, taking into account that they will imply in most cases more costs.
In the case of dismissal, the second vice president does not resign to definitely lose the battle of compensation 45 days per year that eliminated the Labor reform of 2012 except for those who have an age prior to that year. He could not modify the extinctions in the reform that agreed with the social agents in 2021 due to the requirement of the Moncloa, but now he will give the battle with changes that seek to recover the extinctions or replace them with deterrent formulas for the entrepreneur or restorative of the damage caused with a dismissal.
In his battle he has union support and is waiting for custom studies which has commissioned after receiving the support of the European Social Rights Committee, to display a dismissal ‘to the letter’ that takes into account the personal circumstances of the affected. Again he will have to battle with the socialist wing, who does not share this criterion, and is inclined to slight touch -ups, such as those sealed in the PSOE Pact with Add, which are limited to reinforcing causality in layoffs since the compensation complies with the European Social Charter, an interpretation rather than ambiguous.
The Supreme Court Doctrine In this sense it is, however, clear. Rejects payments greater than 33 days per year because it considers that this amount repairs the damage suffered and also ensures that the judges cannot set payments higher than the appraisals.
Practices work
However, the “most priority” legislative project, in the words of the Ministry of Labor, is the statute of the fellow, a reform that the Labor Minister sealed with the unions a year and a half ago and since then it is paralyzed by the strong reluctance that has caused in the PSOE, in addition to between companies and the university community, which has not amilated Diaz. Last December he took public tender This reform, which will mean a before and after for those who are developing a formative activity, and also for the sanctions that it includes, which can exceed the 225,000 euros in case of very serious infractions.
More limits
The norm provides more rights to the fellows and requires companies to compensate for the expenses derived from the training activity, those of «Displacement, accommodation or maintenance». It also limits the fellows that companies can have, which cannot exceed 20% of the workforce. The exception would be SMEs, which can have two fellows without attending to this percentage.
He argues that the objective of this new reform is to end the false fellowsstudents who do the same work as a worker, but without receiving the corresponding salary. Therefore, in addition to deploying new rights, the project puts limits to practices in companies. The curricular, which are those that are carried out during official grade, master or doctorate studies, They cannot exceed 25% of the hours specified in the credits of each degree. And extracurricular practices, which are not part of the curriculum, which are also developed during the official degree studies, university master or doctorate, they will not be able to exceed 15% of the hours that are completed in the credits of the degree or exceed 480 hours.
SMI armor
In addition to the formative changes, imminent is also the so -called armor of the minimum wage after accumulating increases above 60% Since Pedro Sánchez governs. This succession of indicator increases has been the subject of strong discrepancies with the business world, which promise to be maintained once Diaz’s pact thrives with the unions to set by law the increase in the SMI of each year based on a variable: 60% of the average salary. In parallel, work will negotiate with UGT and CC.OO. that accessories and salary pluses cannot absorb the increases in the minimum wage.
Unions in the Councils
The circle of reforms is closed by the so -called Law to democratize life in companieswhich will have as one of its main objectives to sit the unions in the Administration Councils. To deploy these changes, the minister has commissioned a study to a group of 13 experts, who will have until next September to issue their report. Díaz is justified with the comparison with other European countries, something that entrepreneurs do not share, given the differences in the business fabric of other countries compared to Spain, where more than 95% of companies are SMEs and self -employed.
Business representativeness
And controversy among the controversies is the review of the rules of business representativeness to meet the demands of Conpymes, The employer with independence base. Achieving a site in social dialogue has been the objective of this organization since it started in 2021, at a hard time in relations between the government and companies, and with strategically careful support, in a clear marketing operation designed from the Moncloa. Díaz was in charge of the inauguration, and Begoña Gómez, Pedro Sánchez’s wifewhich intervened in the act as director of Chair in the UCM.
#Yolanda #Díaz #anticipates #battle #companies #dismissal #fellows