By the time you read this article you should already be aware that world of warcraft has a 60-player Battle Royale with solo or duo mode called Pundlestorm. The theme of this experience is pirates and it is seen that many people will get very intense when playing.
At very basic levels, we have a game where classes do not intervene, everything is from scratch and technically it is a free-for-all. Now, the joke is that to play Plunderstorm you only need an active subscription to world of warcraft – whether modern or classic –.
Now, we are talking to the developers behind this idea of putting a battle royale into WoW and we are telling you where we think this event is going to happen, which is actually strange because it will only last 6 weeks.
This is what we found out from Orlando Salvatore and Ray Bartos of Blizzard.
Where did the idea for World of Warcraft: Plunderstorm come from?
“We take inspiration from several different genres, games. We are gamers and we were looking for inspiration. Additionally, we were trying to give players new experiences that they probably weren't expecting. And I think Plunderstorm is that example.”Declared Orlando Salvatore.
“We realized that players are looking for a different way to play World of Warcraft and whether modern or classic, they are going to look to do it with other rules. When the idea for Plunderstorm came out, we definitely looked at some different genres and came up with this limited-time, session-based event, where every time you load a map, everything you bring is new.”.
The developers behind WoW realized that there was an opportunity behind it and that was the premise they were looking for, that they always start from scratch, that no game is the same as the other and try to make the experience as direct as possible.
At Blizzard they worked very hard to make the experience work as well as possible, even though it is only a six-week event. And what started in development came to an end. They took on the task that many adjustments were made and ended up delivering something very interesting in Plunderstorm.
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Why do a 6-week event with World of Warcraft Plunderstorm?
An issue that draws attention to the announcement of World of Warcraft Plunderstorm It is an event that seems like it will not last long, only about 6 weeks. Why does this happen if it is seen that it can be a winning way?
Despite all the rewards you can get and there are 40 levels to unlock, you don't want players to feel pressured to jump into the game. To this we must add that the developers want all the content they release to have a kind of respite time, because this is not the only thing that awaits them. world of warcraft. Quite the opposite. That's why they want to be aware of all the feedback that Plunderstorm has from the players.
![Gorilla combat with dinosaur in World of Warcraft: Plunderstorm](
On the other hand, let's take into account a very special detail and that is that while you play Pundlerstorm you must think that you have to put together 4 spells that you get from NPC or from an enemy you defeat. Technically it is not only about getting loot, items and so on, it is also about arming yourself with the magic that is most useful to you. That's why there are no classes and you start from scratch.
Many would think that since it is a battle royale, it is about bringing in new and even younger players, however, perhaps that is not the case. What Blizzard wants is for this to be a fun experience for players and not just something for an audience that already consumes these types of experiences. Yes, there is already a very marked niche, but it does not go there.
World of Warcraft: Plunderstorm is more action-packed
An interesting question that arises from World of Warcraft: Plunderstorm is that this is more of an action experience. It's not that the foundations of WoW are being abandoned, the game simply has another dynamic in which the same players have to get their act together in a different way.
Spells are part of the key pieces for your character to do damage. It's not just about having skills. That is why you do not have an auto-attack through a point and click, here you have to go all out to be able to defeat your enemies with the mechanics and extras that you have at hand. The joke is that the activity is much simpler.
Let's take into account one more detail and that is that it will be the 20th anniversary of world of warcraft and somehow, Blizzard makes every effort to make both active players and those who are just returning feel that they are having experiences that will be worthwhile. Not only do we have Plunderstorm, Hardcore recently started, the following expansions are also coming.
There really is a lot to do within world of warcraft and the best thing Blizzard can do is dose everything and create experiences for all types of users. Even those who didn't know they needed some kind of Battle Royale.
World of Warcraft and its diversification of activities
One thing that we must applaud about this proposal plus all the others that have come to WoW is that not only do they stop at making a more complicated mode or an expansion with very specific game characteristics, Blizzard also tries to get out of the comfort zone and tries deliver gaming experiences that are different from the norm, in this case, an MMO.
Plunderstorm has the soul of a battle royale, there is no doubt about that, but it also has those elements that make it an extension of WoW and that, despite the short time it will be available, can be used for many to enjoy. It's not like they're going to make a separate game… Or is it?
We'll see what happens with this gaming experience that will only last six weeks and that, honestly, looks very entertaining. You can a round for Discord and don't miss the news on Google news.
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