A woman in China decided to take revenge on her husband by disconnecting him from life support.
In China, a woman decided to take revenge on her husband for cheating and asked doctors not to resuscitate him. About this reports South China Morning Post.
The 38-year-old man was married but had been living with his mistress for a long time. He suffered a brain hemorrhage while he was at her home. The mistress took him to the hospital but disappeared when doctors needed her consent for surgery.
A little later, another woman came to see the man – his wife. She was told that the patient had fallen into a coma and would most likely not survive the expensive operation. Having learned this, the wife asked to disconnect the man from the life support system.
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The woman explained that her husband had been unfaithful to her for ten years and had stopped supporting her financially. Because of this attitude, she had lost all warm feelings for her husband. It is not known whether the doctors consulted with other relatives of the patient.
Earlier it was reported that a 32-year-old woman in the UK woke up several hours before she was taken off life support. Her mother called it a miracle and said her daughter was a fighter who would be able to overcome the difficult road to recovery.
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