Why is the school day of peace and nonviolence on January 30?

He January 30 It is a special day in schools around the world, although it is not festive, in schools different activities are done in which world peace is requested, with the dove as the symbol par excellence, which not many know It is why it is celebrated on this date.

The fact is that, since January 30, 1964, he opted to establish this day as The school day of nonviolence and peacea date that has a historical event, that of the anniversary of the death of the leader of the Pacific and Independent Movement of India, Mahatma Gandhi.

The commemoration of Mahatma Gandhi’s death

On January 30, 1948, Mahatma Gandhi was Killed in a New Delhi square Close to his home for the Hindu Radical Nthuram Godse, who was a follower of the Mashabha ultra -right party who accused the pacifist leader of having consented to the separation of Pakistan and different concessions to Muslims in the country.

Mahatma Gandhi’s murderer would be judged and hanged a year and a half later, despite the fact that the children of the Indian leader asked for their forgive Peace school day.

Mohahandas Karachaans Gandhi, who would be better known as Mahatma Gandhi, was born in a well -off family, precisely because of that in his youth he was sent to study the United Kingdom, which would change his perception of life and understand the differences between West and East, which would lead him to lead the peaceful struggle for the independence of his country, India.

Since when is the school day of nonviolence and peace celebrated?

The incursion of January 30 as the day of non -violence and peace in schools around the world was established by a Spaniard, Llorenç Vidalpoet, pedagogue and pacifist that in 1964 decided to promulgate Gandhi’s thought by schools in the educational community and that expanded internationally in the following years.

Thus, this initiative was being recognized by different ministries of education around the world and ended by be formalized by the United Nations Organization (UN)specifically by the United Nations Educational, Science and Culture Organization (UNESCO) in 1993.

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