Why do we have flat when we exercise and how to prevent it

Who has not ever happened to, after exercising, has felt annoying pain located on one side of the abdomen. It is what is known as transitory abdominal pain linked to exercise (DAT) or, in other words, what we have known as flat. It normally appears as a nuisance similar to a muscle cramp or a sensation of pull located in the lower right of the abdomen, under the ribs, which is usually brief but intense and that usually makes an appearance or during digestion or when we perform Some type of physical activity.

The good news is that, beyond how annoying it can be and that almost everyone has experienced it, it is not a medical emergency nor is it a reason to consult the doctor – always and when the pain is transitory and disappear after a few minutes.

Why the flat appears

Although the causes of flato are not known precisely and it is not clear why it appears – the origin continues – there are some possible reasons and a handful of factors that can be associated with the presence of flat. As the results of studies like this that indicate different theories about the possible causes of flat.

We talk about aspects such as a muscle spasm, an irritation of the parietal peritoneum – a membrane that covers the abdominal and pelvic cavities – or tension in the spine or a decrease in the blood irrigation of the diaphragm (diaphragmatic ischemia). And, when we expand and contract the diaphragm faster than normal, or stretch it beyond its limits, it performs more work than is accustomed.

We must think of the diaphragm as the muscles of the legs, which fatigue and can suffer cramps when they undergo too much tension.

It can also contribute to bad breathing. If we breathe non -uniformly, the body’s muscles may not receive enough oxygen and fatigue more easily. Also superficial breaths can cause more tension in the muscles, since they need to work more to compensate.

Another factor that can be associated with the presence of flato is to eat or drink before performing physical exercise or during the activity, especially if we talk about certain types of food and drinksin particular those with a higher sugar or fat content, fruit juices and dairy products. This occurs especially if we have not left enough time between eating and running due to the lack of blood flow to the diaphragm while we are digesting food.

It is demonstrated by research like this, published in Sports Medicineaccording to which consuming juices or drinks with high carbohydrates just before or during exercise increases the risk of flattering.

Another fundamental aspect also influences: do not heat before performing physical exercise, especially with certain activities. In a study Made about almost a thousand athletes, experts concluded that Flato affected 75% of swimmers, 69% of runners and 47% of basketball players, as well as 32% of cyclists. If we do not prepare the muscles for sudden effort, it increases the risk of pain appearing on the sides.

All these data help us understand a little more about this discomfort, although it is not completely clear what causes it. Nevertheless, can we do something when it appears? And to prevent it?

What can we do to make flatness disappear

It is not pleasant to endure the discomfort of the flat. But there is something we can do If it surprises us unexpectedly. One of the first things when we begin to notice this pain is to reduce the rhythm of the exercise we are doing. If we are running at full speed or walking fast, we must reduce the rhythm. And, if it does not improve, it is advisable to stop.

It can also help us reduce this discomfort to breathe deeply because, in doing so, what we actually get our muscles to relax. We can inhale for a few seconds and then exhale, repeating several times if necessary.

If we locate the pain, we can also apply pressure with the fingers to relieve part of the pain. If, despite everything, none of this works, we can also try to walk slowly with high arms, above the head, so that the muscles that are tense to stretch.

How can we prevent flat

As we do not want to have to feel a pain of these, the best thing we can do is avoid it. And there are some ways to do it:

  • Maintain a good position: according to this studya bad posture and column problems affect the torso and can make it more likely to appear flat. We must make sure to pay attention to our posture and work to strengthen the center of the body, which supports the column and pelvis and is essential to maintain adequate body alignment, and therefore reduce the chances of suffering cramps or muscle contractures.
  • Heat before performing physical activity: it is important to take time to heat the muscles and help the blood circulate and hot the body, which will indicate to the diaphragm that we are about to start using it. We can stretch for about five to ten minutes, focusing on the sides.
  • Avoid fat -rich food before exercise: we have already seen that fat -rich foods take longer to digest, and this makes more blood to the digestive tract, which can be synonymous with less oxygen -rich blood can circulate to others Body areas. Therefore, it is not convenient to ingest a food too copious at the time before the training because a great meal can take space in the intestine, which generates pressure and friction on the abdominal wall. The way in which we hydrate is also important, hence if we are going to drink, better to do it to small sips, not for drinks, in this way we can stay hydrated without filling the stomach too much.
  • Train the abdominal muscles: Another way to avoid pain is to work strength training, especially in the central area. According to this study published in Journal of Science and Medicine In Sporttransverse abdominal muscles – those that surround the column and act as stabilizers – stronger are related to a decrease in flat.

#flat #exercise #prevent

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