The president against whom an international arrest warrant for war crimes and humanity crimes, Benjamin Netanyahu, will be the first guest of honor of the US president in the White House, this next Tuesday. The order against the Israeli prime minister, issued by the International Criminal Court, has been publicly rejected by Washington, but also questioned by several European countriesdespite the fact that all Europe in Europe are part of the Rome Statute and, therefore, are obliged to respect and fulfill the mandate of the Hague Court.
This illustrates the situation of the global scenario well. Western leadership presents itself as an excellent guarantor of democracy, rights and freedoms, but pending subjects and double scratches are notable. To assume that this is only due to the return of Donald Trump is to give up an analysis with all the facts on the table. Nothing begins today.
On a planet with more than eight billion inhabitants, a competition for the control of more natural resources and more market spaces is developed. Within that dynamic, in which the commercial war between Washington and China is framed, Europe is trapped by the interests of its American ally.
In that career everything is sacrifiable: the allies, the image, the credibility, the rights of broad sectors of the world population and the health of the planet. Instead of imagining equitable models with more mutual respect between states, more international law and more human rights, the effort in over -accumulation originates new bubbles, financial speculation and a commitment to the war business as a market exit.
As indicated by the sociologist William I. Robinson, the “crisis of over -accumulation by large transnational companies” leads to a commitment to the coercive control industry in all its forms: low and high intensity wars, war against migration, against The drugs, at the borders, global police control, technological surveillance and masses indicated as a “excess population” against which to apply that business.
When Trump announces deportations of migrants to Colombia – and declares the “emergency” on the southern border – he does politics through racist and dehumanizing speeches and, in addition, he looks for business. When he accuses Mexico having relations with organized crime, establishes the excuse for the deployment of coercive control and repression, with which “security” companies obtain succulent contracts (also in Europe).
The new US president seeks to expand commercial control against nearby territories – channel, Panama, Mexico – and, in turn, give free rein to the wall industry, surveillance and war as an important leg of its economy.
In the global race for more resources and markets Europe is trapped by the interests of its American ally.
The space metaphor
The flight forward is such that billionaires like Elon Musk, which Trump serves, enjoy the story of the space race, the dream of an exclusive escape for the most privileged elite while the big masses stay on a planet exploited and squeezed until the last drop.
“I think the space is, in reality, a kind of clumsy metaphor of what they are doing below, which is to build their escape trapsp,” said the thinker Naomi Klein This week in a conversation with the journalist Mehdi Hassan, who added, about that elite: “They do not care what happens in the long term because, as you say, they have ruled out the planet, they have ruled out society. The only thing that matters to them is the final result. ”
In these circuits of gigantic benefits there is no long -term project. The flight in spaceship is the clumsy dream of a without exit model and without plan B: the one with more accumulation for an elite, until the planet exhausted. The lack of redistribution of wealth condemns 1,300 million people to precarious jobs, more than 2,000 million to the informal economy and an undetermined number to semi -demonstitude situations. On these sectors the greatest business of repression and control applies.
The flight in spaceship is the clumsy dream of a non -exit model: that of accumulating until it is exhausted, without plan B
Palestine as a laboratory
The Palestinian case is representative in this regard. Israel expands its illegal occupation through an apartheid system. This guarantees a Jewish social majority without having to assume the Palestinians as their own population. In addition, it extracts natural resources from the lands that it occupies illegally, in which the construction business, militarism and high technology against civilians, with programs from programs, extends artificial intelligence To bombard mass.
Coercive control and genocide in Palestine constitute lucrative businesses for many companies, not just Israelis. In Gaza, American military contractors operate, which these days are responsible for controlling the Netzarim corridor. As with the Ukraine War, large arms companies rose in stock markets and increase their benefits.
The repression, in all its variants, gives exit to the economy. Trump asks NATO countries to increase military spending again, and has allied governments willing to buy the argument, as well as with the support of the Secretary General of the Atlantic Alliance.
The Matanza in Gaza and the systematic blockade at the entry of aid have been possible thanks to the diplomatic and military support of the government already biden the complicity of European allies, who maintain their relations with Israel and have not adopted the pressure measures raised by the International Court of Justice and the UN. In this way they have allowed a framework of impunity that subtracts defense mechanisms to demand respect for their territories.
In Gaza, American military contractors operate that these days are responsible for controlling the Netzarim corridor
For all this, the Palestinian issue has become a paradigmatic case. Gaza and the West Bank are laboratories where it is proven to see how far you can go in the future, when the climatic crisis causes more shortage of natural resources. It is a demonstration of domination dynamics.
He understood it well for more than a year ago the Colombian president, Gustavo Petro, when wrote -Parafraseando a Hemingway and Donne– That, before the genocide in the strip, “The bells they bend through all the peoples of the South, by humanity. ” The message that is sent is: “If you do not obey, we will treat them as the Palestinians of Gaza.”
Trump’s impositions in his first two weeks of mandate, the new tariffs, his statements launching orders and threats, deportations and abuse of migrants, are part of the commitment to the normalization of force. That is why the responses of Mexico and Colombia are important defending His sovereignty and the rights of their populations. And therefore, also, the consequences of Israeli impunity can be so serious. Without accountability, everything goes.
The road is clear for the normalization of looting and exclusion, not only against the peoples of the Global South, but in Europe itself, where the imposition of more military spending threatens the development of social policies. The growing difficulty to access decent housing is an example. Everything is expendable in pursuit of the accumulation of more wealth for an elite, at the expense of the global dispossession.
The return of the Palestinians north of Gaza disturbs and challenges that global agenda willing to exclude world population bags
There are few countries trying to stop these dynamics. The unpublished steps given in the courts against Israeli crimes give tools to the states, but most look the other way. The Hague Group, founded this Friday by nine nations, was born precisely with the intention of reversing this impunity. Without pressure measures and without application of international law, Gaza’s genocide will open space to other crimes and abuse.
“A form of genocide is to physically eliminate the population. But another way is simply to enclose and not let out masses that no longer have how to survive overnight ”, remember William I. Robinson, at a time when the migrant population is the scapegoat on which responsibilities are discharged, and in which there are governments – also European – willing to expand that contempt against more sectors.
In this context, the return of tens of thousands of Palestinians from southern Gaza to the north, after fifteen months of crushing, disturbs and challenges the global agenda willing to exclude and discard world population bags. “If a genocide has failed to expel two million Palestinians from Gaza, here is the lesson: they will not go anywhere,” says UN Rapporteur Francesca Albanese. The majority of families that return find their houses reduced to debris or severely damaged, but are determined to lift them again “with your hands, if necessary”, as a woman on the phone told me this week.
There is in that claim of the Palestinian population a forceful message to those who defend racism, exclusion and looting as models of global domination and business. That is why Gaza is a turning point, so it is our universal present.
#Donald #Trump #bend #bells