Why a declassified guide of the CIA to sabotage fascism is viral

Neither Frankenstein Mary Shelley or Moby Dick of Herman Melville. He book More consulted in recent days in Gutenberg Project, an open source repository of free electronic books and public domain, it is Simple sabotage field manuala flavored sabotage guide by the Central American Intelligence Agency (better known as the INC) very popular during World War II and in which small actions were detailed to resist.

During the last week, the guide has run like gunpowder among the users of this platformas the portal has advanced 404Media. It is among the hundred best electronic books of the last seven days and also heads the list of electronic books consulted, dated Wednesday, January 29.

This manual was written in the early 1940s, in the middle of the Second World Warin full conflict between the powers of the axis (Germany, Italy and Japan) and the allies (England, the USA and the USSR). His promoter was William Donovan, head of the Office of Strategic Services during that time and who later inspired the creation of the current CIA.

The objective of the manual was to involve the civilian population in these Sabotage actionsrecognizing that they had an important role in the conflict. “It serves as a guide for common civilians to perform simple sabotage acts against enemy operations without the need for specialized training or equipment,” he says.

Sabotage of the Second Viral World War today

The book “provides specific suggestions to attack the transport, communication and industrial facilities to create delays and inefficiencies in enemy operations”, as well as all kinds of action that will be used useful for the time, marked by one of the greatest military conflicts of The story. Among them, it suggests damage such as “fires” in “stores, barracks, offices, hotels and industrial buildings”, ruin “the warehouse inventory putting the automatic sprinkle system” or change traffic signals “at intersections and bifurcations ”Of the roads.

The question is why a flagship guide declassified by the CIA and that was designed for World War II can arouse interest today. It is a question for now without an answer, but media like 404 Media link it to the return of Republican Donald Trump to the oval office.

Reddit controversy by sabotage guide

This declassified guide of the CIA has also been very commented on Reddit, a site where users create and share content that seem relevant to them. And precisely the controversy has come by the decision of the portal to eliminate any type of debate in which reference was made to the book. The discussion was cut off. “We feel it, this publication has been withdrawn by R/Politics moderators,” you can read in a message Posted by the moderators.

Those responsible for Reddit defend their decision for being “out of the subject.” “All publications in R/Politics must be explicitly about the current US policy. This means that if a issue has political implications but does not speak directly about politics, it is most likely that it is out of the subject,” they argue.

Instead, platform users load against the decision. “I wonder why they removed it,” you can read in one of the comments. And others have taken advantage of the community generated to directly hang fragments of this sabotage guide, which directly challenges citizens to intervene in resistance to the fascism.

#declassified #guide #CIA #sabotage #fascism #viral

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