Francesco Pio is the child injured by a pit bull: his mother was hit in a desperate attempt to save him.
A little angel lost his life this morning in Eboli, in the Campolongo area. Francesco Pio D'Amaro, just 13 months old, died tragically, mauled by two pit bulls. The episode shocked the local community and brought pain and despair to the little boy's family.
According to an initial reconstruction, the child was in his uncle's arms and with his mother in the private courtyard when the two dogs suddenly entered and attacked him. The mother suffered minor injuries while desperately trying to defend her son, while the uncle fell and hurt his knee. Despite the timely arrival of help, unfortunately there was nothing that could be done for little Francesco. The two dogs collected by the Salerno veterinary health authority were taken to the Caserta kennel.
The Salerno Prosecutor's Office has opened an investigation into the incident and the Carabinieri are investigating to understand the dynamics of the attack. The dogs, owned by friends of the child's family, have never shown signs of aggression in the past.
The associations for animal protection have long been debating the need for stricter regulations on the keeping of dogs of certain breeds. They are often chosen by people who are unable to manage them properly. It is important to ascertain the exact dynamics of the incident before drawing hasty conclusions about the behavior of pit bulls. Pierluigi Raffo, expert in dog education says:
«The dog, in all these stories, is never at fault. The responsibility lies with those who manage dogs of particular breeds, who should follow a specific training course and obtain a license. But unfortunately almost no one does it, and no one checks”
There aunt of little Francesco, in tears, declared that the dogs did not know the child because they were kept closed when he was present. A moment of mourning for the family and for the entire community of Eboli, with the mayor in the lead Mario Conte who declares that he will personally follow the evolution of the matter. The mother of little Francesco Pio was already assisted by the municipal social services.
Whoever is to blame, human or animal, the only certainty is that an innocent child lost his life in atrocious circumstances: no words will be able to restore his angel's smile.