What would happen if Ayuso resigns?

For an unscrupulous communication expert like Miguel Ángel Rodríguez, Mrs. Ayuso’s thinking brain, the important thing is the echo that this barbarity has in public opinion. Not because it will convince many, but because it takes up space that is taken away from other information that would be less convenient. It’s an old tactic.

All that was left was for Íñigo Errejón to announce his farewell for the Spanish political chronicle to become total nonsense. Although the country continues to function, and not exactly badly, and the Government continues to act – of course, under the protection of the media -, the image that our politicians are giving, especially those on the right, is that of characters who have lost their sanity and who engage in meaningless battles, far removed from the general interest. Isabel Díaz Ayuso continues to stand out every day in that race.

And a good part of the media cheers her on. Those who are related to it, or depend on its subsidies, because that is their task. The others, which are almost everyone, because Mrs. Ayuso puts on a show and that seems to have become the only professional and commercial motivation in an increasingly degraded and lacking criteria sector.

The president of the Community of Madrid seems to have decided that her political priority is to provoke the resignation of Pedro Sánchez. No arguments. Or with statements of principle without any reasonable basis. The last one, that under the mandate of the socialist leader “Spain has become a dictatorship.” It would be interesting to discover what kind of people can believe something like that, no matter how fanatical followers of Mrs. Ayuso they are.

But the least important thing is credibility. For an unscrupulous communication expert like Miguel Ángel Rodríguez, Mrs. Ayuso’s thinking brain, the important thing is the echo that this barbarity has in public opinion. Not because it will convince many, but because it takes up space that is taken away from other information that would be less convenient. It’s an old tactic.

But there comes a time when these tricks wear thin. Because the world of entertainment demands renewal and new surprises. And no matter how daring Mr. Rodríguez is, his repertoire may be running out.

And when that happens, which may be soon, reality or, better, the truth, will end up breaking through. And this is that the Tax Agency has caught Ms. Ayuso’s boyfriend committing tax fraud of more than 350,000 euros, in addition to other crimes that have become known in recent weeks, all of this in a business selling face masks. that so far favored treatment from his romantic partner is not excluded.

Mrs. Ayuso, with the collaboration, at times scandalous, of Mr. Rodríguez, came out from the first moment in defense of her boyfriend. But very soon, without ever abandoning that effort, he began to attack Pedro Sánchez and the socialists in general, as a way to cover up the wrong of his romantic partner. According to those who know about these things, there is no possible escape and it will end with a judicial sentence. And even more so now, that the investigating judge of the case has opened a second case, for other crimes against public finances.

Unable to hide these misdeeds, and those that could be appearing in the judicial investigation, Mrs. Ayuso has dedicated herself in these last two months to saying that the corrupt person is not her boyfriend but the socialists. The Ábalos case has served as an argument for this.

The PP leadership has joined its complaints in this regard. Also because that coincidence served to cover up some not small disagreements between Isabel Díaz Ayuso and Alberto Núñez Feijóo. The first, about the crimes of the president’s boyfriend, about which the leader of the PP has until now avoided speaking out. The second, about the political leadership that Mrs. Ayuso has assumed without consulting anyone, overshadowing Feijóo, whom many believe is intended to replace the head of the party. The third, but not last, contravened the leader’s explicit instruction that the territorial barons had to go to La Moncloa if Pedro Sánchez invited them.

The spectacle of Feijóo’s ignoring of Feijóo by Mrs. Ayuso is already in the public domain, if not public ridicule. To the point that things may have gone too far and a reaction from Feijóo that could have serious consequences cannot be ruled out.

Mrs. Ayuso still has time to use the Ábalos scandal as a justification for her atrocities. But that instrument will cease to serve him the day the judicial investigation into the behavior of the former socialist minister ends. And it cannot be ruled out that his misdeeds are much smaller than what the right and its supporters have been responsible for proclaiming in recent times.

Ayuso would then be exposed and no high-sounding statement would prevent her from facing the fact that she has tried to protect, if only that, a tax criminal. Would that be the moment when the sector of the PP leadership that does not support it, and that is not small, decided to counterattack and return it to the background from which it should never have left? Even to force her to resign?

#happen #Ayuso #resigns

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