Enjoy and achieve maximum performance in a long distance race is only possible if we have previously prepared for it. And not the week before, but months ago we maintain exercise planning, but also of our diet. And what we eat is decisive when having more or less energy for the performance of a better career or when recovering.
Thus, prior to the race, María Valero, nutrition specialist at the endocrinology and nutrition service of the Dexeus University Hospital in Barcelonaadvises to follow a balanced and healthy diet pattern, prevailing a diet rich in carbohydrates (rice, pasta, legumes, fruit and vegetables), providing good quality proteins (vegetables), and limiting fats, with the aim of filling ‘The energy deposits’ of the corridor.
All this coinciding with the celebration of the next Edreams Mitja Mararató By Brooks of Barcelona 2025, which will take place on Sunday, February 16 and that, for the fourth consecutive year, will feature Quirónsalud such as Healthcare Partner, in its commitment to the health of sport and The promotion of healthy lifestyle. It is a career to which more than 30,000 dorsals have registered, but will they all be equally prepared?
Preparation Guidelines
An incorrect hydration or diet before a race can cause problems and injuries to the athlete
And it is that insufficient or incorrect hydration or food before a race can cause problems in the athlete, giving rise to injuries, or favoring that the corridor does not finish the race. María Valero explains which are the main feeding and hydration keys that must be undertaken in long distance exercises.
According to this expert, in long distance exercises for more than an hour, such as this half marathon that will be held in Barcelona, it is important during the race to take between 30 and 60 grams of carbohydrates per hour. This is equivalent to drinking every hour between half a liter and a liter of isotonic drinks (with sugars and electrolytes).
“Then another option is to consume energy bars, or even some nuts, during physical activity, but without passing quantity, since the excess fiber of the nuts can harm us,” warns the nutrition expert at the University Hospital Dexeus dexeus Barcelona. Another important point to consider is hydration, because excessive fluid intake can be detrimental. There are many runners who, given the fear of dehydrating, drink in excess. Therefore, the ideal thing is every half an hour to replace liquids.
Hydration control
Drinking too much is harmful: many athletes, in fear of dehydrating, ingest too much liquid in the race
After the average marathon, Valero considers it important that the athlete rehydrates well and takes dishes rich in carbohydrates, and protein rich to recover that loss of glucose spent during physical activity.
“Energy reserves should be replaced at the end of the career emphasizing carbohydrates and proteins, mainly in the first two hours,” recommends this expert from the University Dexeus.
Specifically, and during the race, Quirónsalud will offer three key points to reinforce the performance and well -being of the runners:
- AVITUALLATION. In kilometers 10, 15, and 18.2 the runners will find supplies where they can hydrate and use stretching steps to relieve muscle tension and prevent discomfort.
- Physiotherapy. At kilometer 18.2 an area of stretcher physiotherapy will be enabled, where Quirónsalud physiotherapists will be available to address any discomfort or problem that may arise in the final stretch of the race.
As additional support, a Physiorunners team will tour the circuit with the participants, offering movement in motion to relieve overloads and help runners to move forward in their challenge.
The Edreams Mitja Mararató By Brooks of Barcelona 2025 is one of the most emblematic distance of Spain that, for the fourth consecutive year, will feature Quirónsalud such as Healthcare Partner in its commitment to the health of sport and with the promotion of life habits healthy.
Currently, the chosen layout makes it one of the fastest marathons in the world and is very attractive for both amateur runners and first level athletes.
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