San Flaviano de Constantinople It is celebrated today, Tuesday, February 18, 2025 according to the calendar of the Christian Santoral, among other names.
San Flaviano de Constantinople was appointed Bishop in 446. Despite his continuous effort to foster peace and understanding, he had conflicts with Emperor Theodosius II, which led to his banishment. During his exile, he suffered serious wounds that caused death three days later. In the Council of Chalcedon in 451, he was rehabilitated, and his body was transferred again to Constantinople by order of Santa Pulqueria.
On Tuesday, February 18, 2025, the Catholic Church commemorates the saint of Angilberto, Francisco Régis Clet, Sadoth, Tarasio, Teotonio, Juan Pedro Néel. Although today is known for San Flaviano de Constantinople and with which the Christian religion tributes people in Spain.
Next you will find a list of the saints or holy That correspond to today Tuesday, February 18, 2025, according to our Hispanic tradition and the dates of celebration of the Catholic festivities, all related to events of Jesus’ life and the history of the Church.
Roman martyrology It is the name that receives the encyclopedia from which, today all the names of the saints are obtained. This book is updated periodically, adding new saints after the canonizations made from the Vatican.
Why do we commemorate the Saint Day of each person? This tradition comes from the Catholic Church and commemorates the life of a relevant person within the Catholic Church that he dedicated/delivered his life to bring the Christian faith to the people who needed it.
Santoral today February 18
Although today’s feast is San Flaviano de Constantinoplethe Santoral is much larger so they also celebrate their saint Angilberto, Francisco Régis Clet, Sadoth, Tarasio, Teotonio, Juan Pedro Néel. This is because today February 18 is also the onomastics of:
Francisco Régis Clet
Juan Pedro Néel
© Library of Christian Authors (Jl Repetto, All Saints. 2007)
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