Saint Lazarus of Bethany It is celebrated today, Tuesday, December 17, 2024 according to the calendar of Christian saints, among other names.
Saint Lazarus of Bethany is recognized as one of Jesus’ closest friends and a central figure in some of his most notable miracles. He lived in Bethany with his sisters Martha and Mary. The Gospels tell part of his story: at the age of 30, he fell ill and died quickly due to an illness. However, after his death, Jesus Christ went to his tomb, prayed and exclaimed, “Lazarus, come out!”, and Lazarus was resurrected. Jesus treated him like a brother, hosting him in his house on three occasions. After the crucifixion of Jesus, Lazarus became a prophet.
On this Tuesday, December 17, 2024, the Catholic Church celebrates the saint of Cristóba, Esturmio, Josep Manyanet y Vives, Juan de Mata, Judicael, Modesto, Bega, Vivina, Yolanda. Although today it is known for Saint Lazarus of Bethany and with which the Christian religion pays tribute to people in Spain.
Roman Martyrology It is the name given to the list from which, today, all the names of the saints are obtained. This book is updated periodically, feeding on new saints after the canonizations carried out by the Vatican.
From ABC we put at your disposal the entire list of saints that are celebrated today on the occasion of this tradition that is so deeply rooted in the Catholic religion and that makes the saints list so extensive.
Why do we commemorate saint’s day of each person? This tradition comes from the Catholic religion and commemorates the life of a relevant person within the Catholic religion who dedicated/gave his life to bring the Christian faith to people who needed it.
What saints are celebrated today, December 17?
In the Catholic Church the number of saintsdue to its great history, is very high, which is why several name days are celebrated on the same day. Today, December 17, people named Cristóba, Esturmio, Josep Manyanet y Vives, Juan de Mata, Judicael, Modesto, Bega, Vivina, Yolanda celebrate their saint thanks to:
Josep Manyanet y Vives
Juan de Mata
© Library of Christian Authors (JL Repetto, All Saints. 2007)
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