Our Lady of Loreto It is celebrated today, Tuesday, December 10, 2024 according to the calendar of Christian saints, among other names.
The Marian dedication of Our Lady of Loreto is celebrated on December 10 and is the patron saint of the air forces and aeronautics in Spain.
The Catholic Church celebrates the name day of some of the canonized people every day of the year. Today Tuesday, December 10, 2024 is Our Lady of Loreto and in Spain they celebrate their saint. Although today it is known for the day mentioned above, people named Edmundo, Eugrafo, Eustacio White, Gemelo, Gregory III Pope, Gutmaro, Juan Roberts, Lucas, Mauro, Melquíades, Poliodoro Plasden, Suintino Wells, Eulalia de Merida, Julia.
From ABC we put at your disposal the entire list of saints that are celebrated today on the occasion of this tradition that is so deeply rooted in the Catholic religion and that makes the saints list so extensive.
This festival has meant that, at least once a year, Christians can celebrate the day on which the saint who bears their name was canonized. But what does this mean? celebrate the saint It is to celebrate the exemplary lives of those Christians who preceded us and who bear our name. And, although it has less and less significance in society compared to previous times, there are many who still actively enjoy this day.
The saints that are celebrated today are collected in the Roman Martyrology and that is where they are officially extracted from. This is a catalog that the Vatican updates to include the canonizations that occur each year.
Saints of today December 10
In the Catholic Church the number of saintsdue to its great history, is very high, which is why several name days are celebrated on the same day. Today, December 10, people named Edmundo, Eugrafo, Eustacio White, Gemelo, Gregory III Pope, Gutmaro, Juan Roberts, Lucas, Mauro, Melquíades, Poliodoro Plasden, Suintino Wells, Eulalia de Mérida, Julia celebrate their saint thanks to :
Eustacio White
Gregory III Pope
John Roberts
Poliodoro Plasden
Suintino Wells
Eulalia of Merida
© Library of Christian Authors (JL Repetto, All Saints. 2007)
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