Today, Friday, December 6, 2024, the Christian Saints celebrate the Saint of Saint Peter Pascualfollowed by other names that you can consult right here.
Saint Peter Pascual, born in Valencia in 1227 into a Mozarabic family, studied in Paris alongside prominent figures of his time, such as Saint Thomas Aquinas and Saint Bonaventure. After being ordained a priest, he returned to Spain and assumed the position of canon in the cathedral of Valencia. In 1250, he joined the Order of Mercy, founding several convents in the Iberian Peninsula. He also taught the infant Sancho, son of Jaime I, in Zaragoza. In 1297, he was appointed bishop of Jaén, but shortly afterwards he was captured by the Moors. After being a royal slave, he was beheaded in 1300.
On this Friday, December 6, 2024, the Catholic Church celebrates the saint of Nicolás de Bari, Bonifacio, Emiliano, José Nguyen Duy Khang, Mayorico, Obicio, Policronio, Servio, Tercio, Asela, Dativa, Leoncia, Dionisia. Although today it is known for Saint Peter Pascual and with which the Catholic religion pays tribute to people in Spain.
What meaning does it have in our days to commemorate the saints? For hundreds of years the Catholic Church has set a day on the calendar to remember the festival of each of the saints. In each of the 365 days that we find in a year we can celebrate the exemplary life of these Christians and whose testimony of faith continues to this day.
Today, Friday, December 6, 2024 there are many saints and saints that are celebrated on the occasion of this Catholic tradition that is so intrinsic in our daily culture. Discover on ABC all the names of the saints that are celebrated today.
Roman Martyrology It is the name given to the list from which, today, all the names of the saints are obtained. This book is updated periodically, adding new saints after the canonizations carried out by the Vatican.
Today’s Saints, December 6
In addition to the festival of Saint Peter Pascualwhich we celebrate today, other name days are commemorated in the Catholic Church. This is due to the large number of saints who, throughout the centuries of history, have earned this distinction. For this reason today, December 6, we also celebrate:
Nicholas of Bari
Jose Nguyen Duy Khang
© Library of Christian Authors (JL Repetto, All Saints. 2007)
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