A cyst is a closed sacformed by a membrane and with a certain content inside. The cyst or pilonidal sinus is a injury which generally occur in the upper part of the fold that divides the buttocks, in the Most cases are found near the tailbonefour or five centimeters above the anus. Although it can also appear around the navel, armpit or scalp.
Pilonidal cysts appear when a hair pierces the skin and becomes ingrown. They are common in adult men young people, especially between 15 and 25 years. It may be asymptomatic but if infected, the skin around the cyst may become swollen and painful, being very uncomfortable. The body forms a cyst around the hair to try to expel it.
He cyst can be removed through a cut in the skin and sometimes surgery is needed. The people most likely to have it are those who sit for long periods of time.
The first time this disease was described was at the beginning of the 19th century, it was believed that its origin was a malformation. Its increase came in the soldiers of World War II, the American army presented more than 80,000 cases of pilonidal cyst during battles.
The pilonidal cyst can arise in young people who have larger hair follicles, in which it is easier for the hair to penetrate into the skin. Trauma to the tailbone region or activities or sports that require being prolonged sitting, obesity, having a sedentary lifestyle, excess hair in the tailbone region or have a deep crease in the buttocks.
Symptoms of sinus or pilonidal cyst
It can present itself in different forms, small cysts that do not become infected and remain asymptomatic for a long time. Those who do present symptoms present like this:
- A hole near the top of the crease between the buttocks.
- Pain.
- Red and swollen skin.
- Drainage of pus or oozing of blood from an opening in the skin.
- Unpleasant odor of suppurated pus.
- Inflamed cysts can be painful and prevent the patient from sitting.
How to treat pilonidal sinus
His treatment is surgical since antibiotics or any other type of medication do not definitively solve the problem. A small skin incision under local anesthesia is sufficient to drain the fluid from the cyst. Recovery time is five weeks. Surgical intervention can also be avoided by opening the skin, removing the cyst and leaving the wound open without stitches. The best way is to operate but it is the one with the worst recovery.
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