What consequences does not pass the ITV on time

Pass the ITV out of time It will not be more expensive at the inspection station, but yes You can get very expensive on the road. Although there is a belief that going to the technical review after the date indicated entails an economic surcharge, the truth is that the price is maintained. However, circulating without the ITV in force is a serious infraction that can carry sanctions of up to 500 eurosthe vehicle immobilization or even his definitive low in some cases.

All motor vehicles are obliged to pass the technical inspection of vehicles with a certain periodicity. In the case of new cars, the first review is carried out at four years, and then every two years until ten, at which time it becomes annual. On motorcycles, the review also becomes biennial after the first four years. Not complying with this calendar not only implies sanctions, but also Leave the driver without coverage from the insurance in case of accident.

Economic sanctions

The fact that a supplement is not charged for passing the ITV out of time has generated some confusion. However, the sanction for circulating or Even keeping a vehicle parked with the expired ITV is 200 euros. If the inspection is qualified as negative – that is, if the car cannot circulate even to go to the workshop – the fine can amount to 500 euros. In addition, if the problems detected within two months are not solved, the traffic leadership can process the ex officio of the vehicle.

The authorities can easily detect if a vehicle circulates without the ITV in force. The General Directorate of Traffic has an updated record and, through the use of OCR cameras distributed along the roads, can identify the registrations and cross them with the database. The Civil Guard can also check it in routine controls. ITV stationsinstead, They have no competition to sanction for going out of time.

The DGT usually remembers

To avoid forgetfulness, The DGT usually sends a reminder by postal mailand applications such as Midgt They allow to consult the expiration date of the ITV. Another way of checking it is Check the mandatory windshield stickerswhere the month and year appears until which the inspection is valid. Not carrying this adhesive can also lead to a sanction of up to 100 euros.

It is not necessary to wait for the last day to go to the ITV station. In fact, The appointment can be advanced up to 30 calendar days before the expiration date without losing days for the next review. That is, if the ITV expires on October 2, it can be passed from September 2 and the following inspection will continue to be enforceable in October, not in September, thanks to what is established by the Article 6.5 of Royal Decree 920/2017.

In case of being detected with the expired ITV, traffic agents can grant a 10 -day period to regularize the situationas collects the regulations. But if that time has elapsed, the inspection has not been proven, the DGT will begin the procedure to cancel the vehicle. This “Gracia Window” It should not be confused with the two months that are granted to correct defects After an unfavorable ITV.

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