“What blood are you? All the ways of saying blood.” This is the common thread that links the 8 podcasts performed by stand upper comedians in the broader “Blood Inclusivity” project wanted by Sobi to underline the concept of inclusion in the field of haematological diseases, even rare ones, placing the patient at the center of this universe. Because every blood type, regardless of its characteristics, has the right to enjoy the same quality of life.
The project – which is a real information campaign and is a brand property of Sobi – received the patronage of the patient associations Aladdin’s lamp Ets, the Italian Association of Immune Thrombocytopenic Porpora (Aupit), the Federation of Haemophilia Associations , FedEmo and Uniamo, Italian Federation of Rare Diseases and will be divided into two phases: the first, with the publication of the new dedicated website https://www.bloodinclusivity.it/ and the creation of 8 podcasts. From today, on a weekly basis, they will tell the daily lives of 8 different standuppers, each with their own experience and uniqueness. But above all with a relationship of direct interaction with the public who in this way becomes the protagonist of the story. The objective is to lighten and, in some cases, play down the experience linked to blood that each of us carries with us, often with a negative or painful meaning, bringing this element back to its real sense of vital component.
The second part of the project will see the stories come to life in performances staged in some theaters of our country: it will be possible to attend amusing monologues and a talk show with scientific experts, representatives of patient associations, local institutions, with a focus on the needs, expectations and on what has been done and still needs to be done for full “Blood Inclusivity”.
“This is our Blood Inclusivity project that we wanted to carry out to promote and spread an inclusive philosophy through a highly symbolic and universal theme such as blood – explains Annalisa Adani, Vice President and General Manager Sobi Italy, Greece, Malta and Cyprus – Sobi offers a sustainable access to therapies with innovative mechanisms of action to improve the lives of those who face complex pathologies and still have great unmet needs. We are, in fact, convinced that, regardless of the difficulties associated with certain health conditions, we must ensure the best possible quality of life. There are many actions that Sobi have already taken in this direction: Bloody Inclusivity represents another step forward in building a culture that welcomes diversity and helps transform into richness what at first may be scary or make one feel fragile” .
The eight podcasts are eight different ways of understanding and expressing a single word linked to the same concept because, it is not obvious, every blood has the right to the same quality of life. We start with the first episode “Blood of my blood” dedicated to all children and parents who live with a haematological pathology, to highlight how today – thanks to new therapies – it is possible to lead a freer and fuller life, even good mood. We continue with stundupper Triana Cattin in a story designed to deal with the trauma of those who receive a diagnosis of a chronic pathology, but also of those who are not willing to abandon their passions. The review ends with an episode aimed at playing down, where possible, the pathology by learning to appreciate the value of small, big things, such as laughter or ad hoc therapy, which can make a big difference.
The project was born from the creative idea of Eversana Intouch: “Blood unites all human beings, without any distinction. Blood is the pulsating symbol of inclusion, which is written into our biology. From this observation we started to build the creative strategy and the Blood Inclusivity project”, explains Paolo Guglielmoni, Executive Creative Director of Eversana Intouch. In the second phase, in autumn 2024, the project will transform into a real roadshow: theatrical performances will be staged in some cities in the North, Center and South of our country. All podcasts will be available on the new website dedicated to the project, on social channels and on other distribution platforms: Castbox, Spotify, Apple podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spreaker and Deezer.
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