Women are more likely to suffer neurological diseases than men. According to the Spanish Society of Neurology (SEN)specifically, one in two women, that is, more than 50%. One of these conditions, which affects between 5% and 12% of the population of Spain, especially females, is the Restless legs syndromea neurological disorder that produces Sudden and involuntary movements of the lower extremitiesas well as a tingling sensation.
However, This disease goes beyond those spasms. The neurologist specialized in dream of the neurology service of the Ruber International Hospital, Dr. Laura Lillo Triguero, said 20 minutes that restless legs syndrome “Although it is not painful in itself, it becomes so unbearable that the person feels the need to get up and walk, interrupting the current activity”. This makes, therefore, that the quality of life of those who suffer from it begins to have negative physical and emotional levels.
Causes of restless legs syndrome (SPI)

As the doctor indicates, that disease appears with more incidence from the age of 50. The SPI, which It is also known as Willis-Ekbom Syndrome, It is usually a subdiagnosed disease. Its causes are not well known, As they point to the Mayo Clinic Medical Portalbut according to the neurologist you can develop “For imbalances in neurotransmitters such as dopamine and glutamate or iron deficiency”. In addition, there are also indications of a being a hereditary disorder, having more possibilities of suffering from those who have close relatives with SPI.
“Iron plays an essential role in dopamine production, and low iron levels at systemic level and brain level have been related to the appearance of SPI symptoms”was what the expert pointed out 20 minutes. Therefore, in addition to pharmacological treatment, adapting life habits to this disease with healthy eating, for example iron rich, and with exercises that activate the emotional part, it is important for quality of life and well -being and unalterable.
The 4 habits recommended by neurologist

Dr. Lillo specifically recommends 4 habits to follow to complement for the effects of drugs against the SPI. One of them is take care of sleep hygiene. This plays a crucial role in the quality of life and well -being of patients. The neurologist recommends, therefore, to establish stable sleep schedules to have a dream that is repairing.
In addition, incorporate the regularly exercise to daily routine It allows not only to have a physical, also emotional balance. Practicing pilates or yoga helps reduce stress and anxiety, aspects that often complicate chronic medical disorders.

However, the most important thing is to maintain a healthy and careful eating. Above all, the one that contains adequate iron levels. To do this, it is important to have both products of animal origin or hemo ironamong which are red meat, chicken, turkey, sardines, tuna, salmon, mussels, clams and oysters. And also with Plant or Iron Foods No Hemosuch as legumes (chickpeas and lentils), spinach, chard, broccoli, choling, nuts (almonds, pistachios, sunflower seeds and sesame), grapes and praying plums.
It should be noted the importance of Avoid stimulating substancessuch as caffeine or alcohol, since they can produce a destabilization of the nervous system. In addition, these could produce interactions with scheduled medications.
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