The Secretary of Welfare It has different social programs with the target population being those people who belong to groups considered vulnerable or unprotected.
And among the different federal social programs managed by the Ministry of Welfare is the so-called “Scholarship for single mothers”, whose real name is “Program for the Welfare of Girls and Boys, Children of Working Mothers”.
According to the official website of the Government of Mexico, the following are the requirements to be a beneficiary of the Program for the Welfare of Girls and Boys, Children of Working Mothers:
Of the mother
*Free writing under oath of truth, where you indicate if you work, are looking for work or if you are studying. If you are studying, you must present a certificate of studies issued by the institution where you study.
*Non-affiliation letters to the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) and the Institute of Security and Social Services of State Workers (ISSSTE), which can be processed and printed from the internet portal corresponding to each Institution, (excluded from this requirement to tutors).
*Current official identification of the mother, single father or guardian in original and copy.
*Unique Population Registry Code (CURP) of the mother, single father or guardian in original and copy. If you are a minor, present a passport, birth certificate or identity card issued by the municipality.
*Updated proof of address. Deliver a copy and present the original for comparison.
Of the child
*Birth certificate of each child who requests to register in original and copy.
*Unique Population Registry Code (CURP) of each child in original and copy.
*In the event that the minor has a permanent disability and when this is not visible to the staff, an original medical certificate issued by a Public Institution in the Health Sector or by a doctor with a professional license, a specialist in the type of disability, will be required.
How much is the Scholarship for Single Mothers?
It is in this way that, through the “Program for the Well-being of Girls and Boys, Children of Working Mothers”, the beneficiaries can receive the following amounts of money:
*Children from 0 to 4 years of age: 1,600 pesos every two months for each one.
*Infants with disabilities from 0 to 6 years of age: 3,600 pesos every two months for each one.
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