Vulnerable families are removed babies

An audio in which with coldness, plot inconsistency and firmly an official communicates the withdrawal of her baby to Yumara Oliver and Abdel Tahiri, for the past of “abuse and abandonment” suffered by her, puts on the table the urgent need to improve protection juvenile.

More than a year separated from their children by a “precipitated” decision and supported by “mere conjectures”

We live days of Trumpist stumbling. Of stunned disappointment when the Spanish progressive government tarnishes the rise of the SMI with the PSOE effort to pay taxes to those who earn less. Days of realizing how we have been raised with the mantras of “ideologies have died”, “reality cannot be changed”, “for writing them on paper, rights are not imposed” … to run now that a hand is enough , the sexual abuse hand, cheat in the elections and instigator of Trump (the one that no one will grab with love at its final moment), to redesign geographical areas, the order of the earth, multitudes of lives, by pure ideology, in its Case, greedy and cavernaria.

It has its logic to feel helpless in the face of the games of great global interests. But, at the same time, in everyday life and close to us, other battles are often invisible, of people in the face of the greatest imaginable loss, people who overwhelm their daughters and sons social services.

Hear a chilling audio

On December 6, at 11:25 p.m., at the Toledo University Hospital, Abdel Tahiri and Yumara Oliver’s daughter was born and, three days, the Toledo Social Welfare Delegation announced them at a meeting that They were going to take away the girl to give it to a host family based on the fact that the mother suffered from small abuse and abandonment and was guarded.

Six days later, while their parents explained everything to a lawyer, technicians from the Manchega administration took the baby from the hospital. Something that parents have denounced and that has only deserved by the Junta de Castilla-La Mancha, governed by the socialist Emiliano García-Page, the comment of “waiting with prudence to resolve the judicialized case”, Made by its spokesman, Esther Padilla.

I ask you: Listen The chilling audio – published by the partner of El País Patricia Ortega Dolz– where minors tell Yumara Oliver and Abdel Tahiri who take away their baby with such a doubtful and inconsistent arguments as firm is the determination to remove it. There are 20 minutes, but they will catch you for the level of inhumanity and outrage that they show.

The audio in which social welfare tells a couple resident in Toledo that they are going to take away their daughter distills paternalism, classism, racism and effort to relocate the girl with another family instead of helping her parents to raise her.

In summary, they are told that the decision to protect the girl is taken, although he accredits working and having a rented house, because the mother has “a story of abuse and abandonment that makes her marient abilities diminished or null” ( 3:37), that the father does not give the custody because “we do not know you”, they consider a demerit that they have been together “year and peak”, that he is 32 years old and she 19, discard custody for the paternal family because ” They are not in Toledo, but in Algeciras and Valencia. ”

How many couples are the children take off like this? Who are deciding something of such draft? Are you doing parental suitability exams to how many have children and I haven’t heard?

And do not come to me that everything is done for “the superior good of the child.” Of course there are cases in which to withdraw the custodians from the parents, but with evidence not with assumptions. Or the task of social services, instead of helping vulnerable families, also to raise their children, is now to relocate babies from neighborhoods with bourgeois families?

Decades of poor protection of minors

If the situation of Yumara Oliver’s baby, with an intellectual limitation that does not incapacitates her, and Abdel Tahiri, an immigrant Maghreb, has transcended is thanks to the audio that I imagine that they recorded, with good tino, since she has reached a journalist. A judge or judge will now determine what happens because this couple has wanted and could face a judicial process. But how many yield without fighting? They end or not in retreat of the child, the communication of the decision must be free of the derogatory paternalism, classism and racism that this audio distills.

Oliver and Tahiri’s drama while the days pass and his baby changes and grows is not just his. It has a worrying systemic component.

The Sevillian local newspaper where I started with 24 years arrived an afternoon a humble and desperate woman, rehabilitated alcoholic, looking for who published that they had unfairly removed their children. They sent it to me.

She was Carmen Fernández, neighbor of the Marginated Sevillian neighborhood of the three thousand homes; the children, Sara and Iván; the counselor who vehemently defended the outrage, the late socialist Isaías Pérez Saldaña; And the judge who boycotted the return of the minors when the audience ordered it, that the mother called with contempt and grace “El Serranito”, Francisco Serrano, who years later uncovered as co -founder and leader of Vox in Andalusia until he had to resign by corruption. Carmen’s struggle, after years of her pain and children, ended in victory by recovering them and achieving the Constitutional endorsement to one 1.7 million compensation of euros. But they could barely enjoy the reunion because a deadly cancer was faster than justice. The money remained for the will.

More than 20 years ago that families, social workers and the courts themselves denounce disproportionate decisions that separate the parents of their children, which, given the delay of justice, steals a life together that then compensates compensation.

Reviewing my files, year 2000, I see that a week before publishing the story of Carmen we get a text in society whose entradilla said: “Sentences that contradict themselves and make wait for years when it is already very difficult to return to what is traveled. And in the middle, helpless children. ”

Accumulation of nonsense

More than twenty years have passed and these abuses continue to accumulate in Spain that is 15th economy of the world. There are, in various autonomies, with governments of every sign, the cases of:

Macarena Sequera in 2023 in Cádiz That pregnant for the fourth time asked the social services of the current Andalusian Board (PP): “Are you also going to take it out? Because if yes, abortion ”and despite telling him no, they tried and she fled;

Fara, Moroccan resident in Bizkaia in 2021, evicted from her house and the one that social aid was denied in Euskadi governed by the PNV;

Anita P. Bulgarian who had been in Spain for 20 years when They took their twins of 12 for struggling with them with the mobileso the Superior Court of Castilla y León condemned in 2023 to the Family Ministry (PP) to compensate with 150,000 for this “disproportionate” measure and caused “traumas”;

Lorenzo and Ana’s parents, Canarian children who were 10 and 4 years old when they were taken “without justification” of the school and who already year and two months later, in 2023, by order of justice, the Canarian government (Canarian coalition and pp ) He had to return with compensation of 210,000 euros.

The separation in Valencia, avoided in extremis for the mobilization via social networks, of some twins of their Gambian parentsreleased in 2019 (when PSOE and Compromís governed) by the Pan -Africanist activist and opponent Guinean Ondo Angono.

Solve the failed system

Negligence accumulate within the computation of 35,000 minors guarded. The labyrinthine system and slow response to the complaints. That the system also fails because there are more and more guardianships in centers than in families. CCOO social workers themselves in the Canary Islands are warning that, due to lack of resources, sometimes a single person, in their opinion, is deciding whether or not a child takes away from their parents.

What to say about the scandal of the prostituted guardians in Mallorca? That, Eye, is not limited to those islands, according to a UNICEF report in 2017, in 7 of these 9 communities (Andalusia, Asturias, Baleares, Canarias, Castilla y León, Catalunya, Madrid, Galicia and Euskadi) there have been cases of sexual exploitation of tartened adolescents.

Look that stopping the world fascist advance is vital and urgent. But let’s see if we fix the protection of minors in our country, which is somewhat more limited, and achieved achievement to the great victory of establishing democracy and the rule of law.

#Vulnerable #families #removed #babies

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