The Natural Park of the Serra de Collserola, the waterfalls of the Serralada Marina, the llocs with the history of Sant Miquel del Fai, the Llobregat Delta, the Natural Park of the Muntanya de Montserrat… They are ideal natural resources for one day trip I aprofitar-lo per fer some excursion. I tots sense allunyar-te gaire from Barcelona. We propose vuit excursions per gaudir de la nature prop of the Catalan capital.
From the Monestir de Montserrat to the Creu de Sant Miquel
We started with a classic excursion: the Muntanya de Montserrat Natural Park. La coneguda com “la muntanya màgica” offers excursions for all the public. We propose a classic route, the one that goes from Monestir de Montserrat to Creu de Sant Miquel. It is a very simple excursion, on a wide and cobbled road. Between walking and turning, it does not reach three kilometers. From the Creu de Sant Miquel it is possible to see one of the most beautiful dresses in Montserrat.
Ascend Sant Jeroni from Monestir
Do not ens allunyem de Montserrat. Among all the excursions that are possible in this natural park, the most popular is the climb to Sant Jeroni (1,236 meters), the highest peak of Montserrat. It allows you to discover some of the most beautiful areas of this mountain, with great views of the rock formations. Furthermore, both types of protection can be seen by some groups of rescued goats. It is a circular route.
The route of Sant Jeroni de la Murtra
Finally, the Consorci del Parc de la Serralada de Marina will adapt an itinerary to explore the Sant Jeroni de la Murtra valley, in the municipality of Badalona, on foot. It starts at Sant Jeroni street, at the Montigalà industrial estate, under the B-20 viaduct in Badalona. It is a short, quiet and slightly uneven walk, which allows the visitor to reach the Betlem Valley, adjacent to the Poià Valley and finally Sant Jeroni de la Murtra.
The initial indications refer to the aqueduct from the end of the 19th century, since then some examples of papallones can be observed. As soon as you arrive at the Monastery of Sant Jeroni de la Murtra, you come across the Lleó fountain. In the Can Mas mountain range you can contemplate a panoramic view of the valley, from the Finnish sea to the hermitages of Sant Onofre i Sant Climent. The route continues to Ca l’Alemany and ends at the starting point of the journey.

From Torre Baró to Tibidabo
We follow a classic excursion: from Torre Baró to Tibidabo, the mountain range par excellence of Barcelona residents. It is one of the main tourist spots in the city, not only for the children’s amusement park, but also for the impressionants you see 360º panoramic views. The route begins in the Torre Baró neighborhood and ends at the summit. In total, there are about 10 kilometers of bones you wear and bids that can be completed in just over 2 hours.
The itinerary starts at Coll de Roquetes, where there is the bus stop. Climb up the Forat del Vent, with a spectacular panoramic view, the Portell de Valldaura, the Turó de la Magarola, the Torrent de la Salamandra chapel and the Col de l’Erola, which is the highest point of the road. Arrabassada. Arrive at this point, you see the top of Tibidabo.
The Sant Llorenç del Munt mountain range
Another classic is the Sant Llorenç del Munt mountain range. About four kilometers from the town you reach the monastery of Sant Llorenç del Munt, which is located on the summit of La Mola, which at 1,095 meters is the highest point of the Serra de l’Obac and the heart of the Parc Natural de Sant Llorenç del Munt i Serra de l’Obac. Arreu del parc natural hi ha senders senyalitzats that allow, in excursions to peu d’una or two hours.
From Riells del Fai to Sant Miquel del Fai
Fa poc is going to reopen to the public The natural space of Sant Miquel del Fai. Located just 50 kilometers from Barcelona, this collection of waterfalls, rock sculptures and caves has become one of the most interesting attractions of the Vallès Oriental. If you arrive at the garden, we propose a route to walk through the countryside. The trail begins just in front of the Riells del Fai parking lot. There you will find an information panel with the different routes that can be accessed by Cingles del Bertí. One of the options is to follow the GR5, which goes from Riells del Fai fins to Sant Miquel del Fai. The road is very sensitive and does not hurt.
The Llobregat Delta
The Llobregat Delta is ideal for a route with family or friends for a day. Compta both the desires of senyalitzat trails, along with observation points to monitor the nature and the different species of animals that inhabit this small oasis on the coast of the great capital, each time more threatened by pollution and the great infrastructures com l’aeroport del Prat.
One of the most popular tours is the one that goes to the ruins of the Caserna dels Carabiners, just at the end of the Bunyola road. The tranquility of the beach located in this space allows various species of fish, such as the sandpiper, the Audouin gavina and the fishing league, to reproduce. It can be visited from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Salt of the water of Molins de Rei
We ended up at the Parc de Collserola, but along the banks of the Vallvidrera stream, adjacent to the area with the Rierada. It is a route to reach the salt water of Molins de Rei, a waterfall of almost five meters. The costume is easy for both creatures.
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