Vox announced on Tuesday his decision to resort to the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court its exclusion from the Central Electoral Board (JEC), whose members have been appointed Tuesday by the Table of the Lower House.
The renewal of the organ has been consummated with the choice of two magistrates proposed by the PSOE, two others by the PP and one more to add; A cast that leaves out Vox, which denounces that the agreement breaches the proportionality of the deputies that make up the Congress of Deputies.
Those of Santiago Abascal allude to article 9.2 of the Organic Law of General Electoral Regime (Loreg), which marks the process of designation of the professors who must integrate the Electoral Board: «The table of the Congress of Deputies, the political groups present In the Chamber, it proceeds to its designation, in consideration of the existing representation in it, ”says the text.
Given this decision, Vox deputies will resort to court. Specifically, an appeal will be filed before the Constitutional Court “in defense of the rights of all who voted” to the party and will also present an administrative contentious appeal before the Supreme Court “against the legality of such an unfair agreement.”
In his announcement, Vox insists on loading the Popular Party for “accessing” to renew this organ, “which ends in the hands of the PSOE.” Those of Santiago Abascal accused the popular of participating in an agreement that left them out of the Electoral Board, something that was denied from Genoa Street, which claimed that they supported their two candidates and Vox’s and have been the PSOE and PSOE and Add those who have made their majority use at the Congress table to impose on their magistrates.
In spite of everything, Vox blames the PP to access the renewal “as happened with the renewal of the General Council of the Judiciary and the Board of Directors of Radio Televisión Spanish.” “And once again, Vox is excluded from the right to representation, eliminating his representative at the Central Electoral Board of the last legislature,” they denounce.
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