It's called Accident Ahead Alert and it's a new Volvo system that warns the driver of the presence of accidents or vehicles stopped on the road on his route. A technological innovation that is particularly useful in the case of curvy roads or in conditions of poor visibility due to rain or fog. The device uses communication between vehicles, between infrastructures and cars, data from other Volvos in circulation equipped with a car-to-x system and other data collectors which are then processed by a control unit which sends the communication in real time.
The alarm is thus received by the cars that are moving on the same artery, with a few hundred meters of warning. Drivers are promptly warned of the danger and of the need to slow down and proceed with caution via a light signal that appears on the dashboard.
The Accident Ahead Alert device will debut in Denmark on the 40, 60 and 90 series models produced after 2016, before being extended to the rest of the range. “Using this revolutionary connected technology – explains Åsa Haglund, head of the Safety Center at Volvo Cars – our 'crash alert' can help Volvo drivers avoid unpleasant surprises, while helping to make the roads safer for everyone. Thanks to our collaboration with the Danish Road Directorate and other partners in the road safety data transmission ecosystem, we can introduce this new functionality and continue our leadership in safety innovations.”
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