To know
“He silence is not always cowardice. Sometimes is prudence and others intelligence”. For speak or be silent When it is due, the virtue of temperance. He reflected on it Pope Francisco: Nowadays a lot people presume to say what they think; but the temperate person prefer think what he says, and not say the first thing that comes to mind. This is how you avoid lacking charity or truth. If something is promised, it is fulfilled, and that is why it is trustworthy. Especially in family life, we run the risk of not controlling the tensionsthe irritations. Let’s not allow a moment of anger to ruin relationships that can only be rebuilt later with great effort.
To think
A couple, formed by Leonardo and Daniela, celebrated 75 years of marriage. Being something unusual, journalists came to interview them and everyone wanted to know the “secret” of their marital success. Daniela answered them: “To dance tango it takes two. If there is any disagreement or if your feelings are hurt, and you feel like you are on fire, you better keep your mouth shut, don’t say a word, and you will never regret it. If you have something to say, say it first to Him, the one above, who always listens to you. If there is no one to fight with, there is no fight”.
Holy Scripture advises: “The fool immediately shows his anger, but the prudent ignores the insult” (Prv 12, 16). Let’s think if we have the humility to know how to remain silent.
To live
Let’s be like traffic lights, with three colors: “Red” to stop; “yellow” to think; and “green” to speak. Traffic lights are not always green, nor are they always red.
Although the temperate person controls his anger, he does not always have a smiling face. Sometimes it is necessary to be outraged, but appropriately. If reproached or corrected, but with understanding. Temperance does not make us gray, without joy; On the contrary, it gives happiness by valuing what matters most: being together at the table, the tenderness of certain friendships, trust with wise people, amazement at the beauty of creation. We can ask the Lord for the gift of maturity and temperance.
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