The famous Pegasus helicopters that the DGT uses to monitor from the air the road network of Spain are characterized by being one of the best face -to -face instruments To intercept the excess speed that drivers commit.
Therefore, the General Directorate of Traffic has disseminated four videos of “hunted” vehicles by the Pegasus helicopter, exceeding the speed limits in more than 100 km/h, so that all of them were judged by a crime against road safety typified in Article 379 of the Spanish Criminal Code. Among them, A drill was caught by almost double the speed limit On a highway
What vehicle was the largest offender?
The 2024 record fell to a driver who He was intercepted by the Pegasus helicopter at 238 km/h in the A-7 (Mediterranean highway), as well as, the Chamber also caught him making anti -regulation advances and breaking the signaling of the road.
On the other hand, after capturing the offending vehicle, the helicopter chamber operator contacted the Valencia Traffic Operation Where they intercept. In short, This driver faces an alleged crime by reckless driving and to be exceeded by more than 80 km/h the speed limit.
What happens if you catch more than 200 km/h on a highway, like the video driver?

In the event that the high capacity route is limited to 120 km/h, as the case of the driver intercepted by the Pegasus helicopter, this will be investigated for committing a crime typified in article 379 of the Spanish Criminal Code for circulating at a “higher speed in eighty kilometers per hour in interurban route to the regulation allowed”.
The same article prays that the driver “It will be punished with the prison sentence of three to six months or with the fine of six to twelve months or with the work for the benefit of the community of thirty -one to ninety days, and, in any case, with that of deprivation of the right to drive motor vehicles and cyclomotor for a time greater than one and up to four years. ”
What criteria is followed to raise fines for speeding?
To do this, the DGT uses the table of the Annex IV of Royal Legislative Decree 6/2015. Therefore, in cases where the radar is caught between 151 km/hy the 170 km/h on a highway, The fine will amount to 300 euros with the loss of 2 points.
On the other hand, if you exceed the speed between 171 km/Hy the 180 km/h, you will have a sanction of 400 euros and the consequent 4 -digit withdrawal of your driving license. Once you overcome the 181 km/Hy up to 190 km/h, the fine will be 500 euros and the 6 -point withdrawal, Already starting at 191 km/h, the sanction increases to 600 euros with the loss of 6 points.
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