On other occasions we have commented here about the natural mechanisms that we human beings possess. I mean defense mechanisms. Among them is projection, which is a mechanism by which the subject “attributes to other people their own defects or errors… even their shortcomings.”
Another of them, more commonly used today, is denial, it consists of “not facing conflicts or complicated realities… not assuming that they are important or that they have something to do with ourselves.” However, the dangerous thing about these behaviors is that we do it “without realizing it.”
And so it is, we all assume behaviors impregnated by defense mechanisms, but that in no way exempts us from the responsibility of trying to avoid them.
It is common for us to practice excessively, among many other defense mechanisms, especially the two mentioned above,
We cannot move through the world without recognizing our mistakes, difficulties and shortcomings, recognizing them and facing them is the only way to overcome them.
The fact that these mechanisms are part of our nature does not justify us not to recognize and avoid them, since that will be the only way to grow, to be better, to transcend in life.
Whoever systematically resorts to this type of mechanism, which can be described as negative, becomes the permanent victim, he is the victim of everyone; everyone is guilty of everything except him; everyone attacks him, everyone is against him; everybody makes mistakes.
Are people Those who decided to immerse themselves in these strategies are the eternal victim; victim that can inspire the most degrading feeling, pity, and in reality they are victims, but victims of themselves.
Stopping being victims means facing reality and striving to change it. It is not worth considering ourselves victims of life, we are life itself, we build it as we go, we reap what we sow, we are the builders of our tomorrow.
Our country is not a nation of victims, it is a nation of winners and those who doubt it, just look on the street at 6:00 in the morning and you will see dozens of compatriots striving to get ahead, sweeping, selling, building, running to their jobs, etc.
This is our homeland, homeland of Mexicans with the makings of winners, it is only necessary to create the opportunities for work and progress that we all deserve.
For Mexico worthy and united, Let’s make a pact to see within ourselves the warrior who wants to fight, or better yet, who fights to progress.
We are not victims, we are not victimizers, we are fighters for life.
Thank you
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