Vandalism | The cemetery of Soviet soldiers has been vandalized in Kiviko, Helsinki

Vandalism committed at the cemetery of Soviet soldiers in Kivikko, Helsinki – a criminal report filed

Soviet soldiers vandalism has been committed at the cemetery in Helsinki’s Kiviko at the end of February, the regional administrative agency reports. A criminal report has been filed on the matter.

According to the agency, similar acts of vandalism have been found to have happened in the past in some other localities at sites managed by the Finnish state.

The Regional Administration Office condemns the vandalism of soldiers’ and prisoners of war’s graves and monuments.

The agency emphasizes that Finland safeguards the care of grave sites and monuments of Russian soldiers and prisoners of war in its territory.

Finland since the end of the wars, has been committed to taking care of the graves of Russian (Soviet) soldiers and prisoners of war in our country.

The issue was also agreed upon in 1992 by a bilateral state treaty with the Russian Federation. The Regional Administration Office emphasizes that the principles of a rule of law and a civilized state include following agreements and also respecting the war dead of a foreign power.

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