And, suddenly, Deepseek. When it seemed that US applications of artificial intelligence In … New competitor capable of doing the same. But better, because it offers similar results to a much lower cost, and without the need to resort to the most designed technology in the market.
Yesterday, after the thunderous drop in the flower and cream of American artificial intelligence because of the emergence of Deepseek, President Donald Trump pointed out that the success of the Chinese app should serve as “a call for attention” for The industry of the country, which is obliged to “compete to win” because it has “the best scientists in the world.” And also with money and with the experience treasured by the technological ones who made fashionable ask for writing help from the machines. The one that is not expected to take note, according to the experts consulted, is Europe, that is increasingly behind in the race to get the best conversational robot.
«In Europe we cannot have a player like Deepseek. It is not possible because we have a regulatory pressure that totally makes it impossible to create an artificial intelligence model such as this Chinese or those of Americans, ”he explains in conversation with ABC Luis Martín, director of digital influence in Llorente and Cuenca and expert from the firm In generative artificial intelligence.
The Executive refers to the recent law approved by the EU in the spring last year. This establishes that solutions of the type of Deepseek and Chatgpt must comply with strict norms of transparency, security and respect for copyright. «To train an AI in Europe, many data are needed, and in operational terms for companies here it is not viable because we do not have so much wide sleeve. The only thing we have left is to play a role of mere observers, ”says Martín.
Light years in investment
While the EU has its AI law, more focused on respecting fundamental rights and avoiding the bad uses of algorithms, the United States allows its companies to perform developments without practically no restriction. Beijing, meanwhile, cares so much that the developments of their technological ones are respectful “with socialist values” as they create international leading solutions.
In 2017, the Asian country has already shared an AI development plan to invest public funds and become a world leader in 2030. China also relies on the private investment of technological giants such as Alibaba, Baidu and Tencent, which are focused on, Good measure, in creating better intelligent solutions. “We in Europe do not have companies such as Alibaba and Baidu, and thus attracting investment is much more complicated in the European Union,” Pablo Haya Coll, a researcher at the computer linguistics laboratory at the Autonomous University of Madrid, explains to this newspaper.
The EU Court of Accounts I already warned Last May that “private investment in AI has been lower (in Europe) than in other global regions that lead this field since 2015.” He also stressed that the global investment gap in this technology between the United States and the EU “far duplicated between 2018 and 2020”, specifically, in about 10,000 million euros. But today, it will undoubtedly be greater. According to OECD data, the two great powers in community soil in the development of this technology, such as Germany and France, would have to invest more than 160,000 million in the matter to catch up with the North American country in 2030 .
Expenditure in AI to achieve
The US level
Fountain: AIPRM via OECD and World Bank
Expenditure on AI to reach the US level.
Fountain: AIPRM via OECD and World Bank
“Money is a very large barrier, but not the brain, criteria or skill, which we have in Europe,” says Sergio Álvarez-Teleña, CEO of the Spanish artificial intelligence company Scitheworld. According to the expert, at this point the EU companies must try to become “the allies that China and the USA. They want”, and that happens by “creating corporate technology” with the most than by the development of chatbots. «We cannot measure ourselves in brute force, it is absurd. We have the example of the French Mistral, which also has its Chatgpt type tool but has not been able to get the investment of others, such as OpenAi, ”the expert ends.
Do what the EU does, of what there is no doubt that Silicon Valley will make important changes to offer capable and economic solutions, just like Deepseek China. According to Álvarez-Teleña, who knows well the operation of the great American company, it is most likely that companies such as Openai and Google begin to stop operating as if they were in an oligopoly: «There were four very powerful companies doing very very inefficient. Now another player enters and the goal will be to start doing cheaper things than optimal results. They are going to see very large savings ».