UAE..leadership in the health sector
The Emirates Health Services Corporation was established in March 2018, by a federal decision, and was launched with the goal of developing the efficiency of the health sector in the United Arab Emirates at all levels, to provide the best necessary medical services and treatment required, and to enhance the sustainability of the future health leadership sector for a better life. The Foundation supervised all hospitals and health centers in the regions and emirates of the country, and succeeded in managing and operating them, to support the UAE’s march towards sustainable development, and enhance its ability to contribute to achieving the national strategy towards distinguished health leadership for the quality and well-being of life. The institution also provides customer happiness services through its advanced, high-quality health services. Its development has been noted at the regional and international levels, and its ability to confront difficult health crises and challenges during the wave of disease seasons, emergency epidemics, infectious diseases, and strains of infectious viral variants that have occupied the world recently. It has prepared for them. With high grades that include careful follow-up, diligence, attention and awareness, this prestigious institution works in accordance with the best standards, new advanced global health systems and modern innovations, as the UAE achieved the third level globally and first regionally in indicators of satisfaction with public health care. The UAE topped the Middle East countries in the field of providing innovative, effective medicines that touch human life and health. The source of excellence is demonstrated through high-end health services with advanced medical equipment and trained human cadres that work efficiently, and provide initiatives and launch health programs in order to strengthen this most important sector in society, through which the preservation of physical and psychological health is achieved, and monitoring of health developments is ensured to protect the citizen and resident from any harm. An outbreak of a disease, infection, or emergency symptom, and dealing with any infectious disease or epidemic that threatens humans, through a clear methodology for monitoring, control, and providing treatment. I have personally visited more than one hospital and health center in the Emirates, and I was astonished by the extreme care, attention and care provided by the Emirates Health Services Corporation. I noticed the level of cleanliness and great attention to the health centers and their facilities, in addition to the excellent treatment and comfortable services for the visitors and the patient, the accuracy of work and appointments, and the speed of completion without obstacles. And follow up on the case carefully through the use of modern technology and communication with patients, in addition to following up on the condition of any patient and taking care of his health, and inspecting his condition and examining him for free, through periodic examination and taking care of him in a remarkable, distinctive and very comfortable way, which raises and reflects on the psychology of the reviewer and the patient through the interaction. Flexible, meticulous, careful, and high-level health care, so we say that the Emirates Health Services Corporation has become one of the important, successful, and effective national institutions that are in line with the will, ambition, and development of the prosperous United Arab Emirates, which searches for everything that is new, advanced, modern, and distinctive to serve humanity. And preserving his health and well-being, and committing to the path of fine leadership and dazzling achievements, anticipating and creating a better future towards a reassuring, dignified, decent life and complete satisfaction, because the UAE raises the slogan of tolerance, happiness and peace, which is its approach and the permanence of its goals, because the human being is a precious wealth that needs care and preservation.
*Saudi writer
#UAE..leadership #health #sector