Two kicks to the head ended the life of a man in Níjar. The perpetrators, two young people, one of them a minor, their objective was to steal his phone and wallet. The fatal attack occurred on November 26 in the municipality of Nijar, specifically in a central street in the Campohermoso district. At 12:30 a.m., the emergency services received a notification about the presence of a person who was lying motionless and showing signs of violence.
All emergency devices were activated immediately, with health services, Civil Guard patrols, the Judicial Police team and the Níjar Local Police moving to the scene. Upon arrival, they located the victim, not being able to do anything for his life after performing resuscitation maneuvers.
The investigation by the Civil Guard has made it possible to determine how the events occurred. The aggressors they hid behind a corner from where they observed the victim, sitting on the sidewalk, apparently dizzy and using his mobile phone. After a few minutes, one of them, the minor, walked up to him and hit him. strong kick to the head which left him unconscious and lying on the ground. The other young man approached and between them they searched the victim’s clothes and took his cell phone and wallet. Before fleeing, the adult detainee kicked the victim a second time.
Moments later, the attackers returned to check the condition of the victim, who remained motionless. However, They left again without helping him. nor notify emergency services. The progress of the investigation carried out by the Homicide Team of the Organic Unit of the Judicial Police of the Civil Guard of Almería, through the detailed study of all the information collected and other evidence obtained, allowed the full identification, location and arrest of the two aggressors in a short period of seven days.
The two young people are accused of one crime of intentional homicide and another of robbery with violence. The judicial authority has decreed the admission to prison of the oldest of the detainees and the Juvenile Prosecutor’s Office the internment of the minor of them in a center. The investigation has been supervised by the Court of Instruction No. 6 and by the Juvenile Prosecutor’s Office of Almería.
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